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Accelerating SQL Workloads with PG-Strom: Harnessing GPU Power in PostgreSQL #767

Open irthomasthomas opened 2 months ago

irthomasthomas commented 2 months ago

Accelerating SQL Workloads with PG-Strom: Harnessing GPU Power in PostgreSQL


What is PG-Strom?

PG-Strom is an extension module of PostgreSQL designed for version 15 or later. By utilization of GPU (Graphic Processor Unit) device which has thousands cores per chip, it enables to accelerate SQL workloads for data analytics or batch processing to big data set.

Its core features are GPU code generator that automatically generates GPU program according to the SQL commands and asynchronous parallel execution engine to run SQL workloads on GPU device. The latest version supports SCAN (evaluation of WHERE-clause), JOIN and GROUP BY workloads. In the case when GPU-processing has advantage, PG-Strom replaces the vanilla implementation of PostgreSQL and transparentlly works from users and applications.

PG-Strom has two storage options. The first one is the heap storage system of PostgreSQL. It is not always optimal for aggregation / analysis workloads because of its row data format, on the other hands, it has an advantage to run aggregation workloads without data transfer from the transactional database. The other one is Apache Arrow files, that have structured columnar format. Even though it is not suitable for update per row basis, it enables to import large amount of data efficiently, and efficiently search / aggregate the data through foreign data wrapper (FDW).

One of the characteristic feature of PG-Strom is GPUDirect SQL that bypasses the CPU/RAM to read the data from NVME / NVME-oF to the GPU directly. SQL processing on the GPU maximizes the bandwidth of these devices. PG-Strom v3.0 newly supports NVIDIA GPUDirect Storage, it allows to support SDS (Software Defined Storage) over the NVME-oF protocol and shared filesystems.

The v3.0 newly supports execution of some PostGIS function and GiST index search on the GPU side. Along with the GPU cache, that duplicates the table contents often updated very frequently, it enables search / analysis processing based on the real-time locational information.

The v5.0 entirely revised the software architecture design, like update of the process model (multi-process to multi-thread), or switch from the CUDA C++ native code to the portable pseudo code. It improves overall performance and stability.


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irthomasthomas commented 2 months ago

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