iryndin / jdbf

Java utility to read/write DBF files
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Prepare JDBF 3.0 to Maven Central release #11

Open iryndin opened 9 years ago

iryndin commented 9 years ago

Prepare JDBF 3.0 to Maven Central release. This includes:

edwgiz-zz commented 9 years ago

Hello Ivan,

A publishing of artefact in one of Maven repositories would be nice for most consumers, Can I help to resolve this task?

driv commented 9 years ago

Hi Ivan,

I would like to help with this issue, what is the current state?

xKopax commented 8 years ago

this would be really nice.

tuzzo77 commented 8 years ago

is there a jar for your project? Thanks!!

spyhunter99 commented 6 years ago

i can help too

spyhunter99 commented 6 years ago

@iryndin i'm using this with osmdroid as a utility to help read metadata for esra shape files. I'd like to just use it as a dependency but since it's not published that isn't currently an option.

Can we get this rolling? Thoughts on this?

jobdiogenes commented 5 years ago

One option could be. Use Git hub as Maven Repo.

spyhunter99 commented 4 years ago

got tired of waiting, just published today's master to central as version 2.2.0, if anyone cares

mvglasow commented 3 years ago

Using JitPack would also work—it takes the source code of the dependency from the repo and builds it on the fly. Be aware that identifiers change:

In a nutshell, add the following to your <project> (merging <repositories> and <dependencies> as needed):

      <name>JitPack Repository</name>