isXander / Controlify

Another controller mod - for fabric!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
126 stars 25 forks source link

[Bug] Maven dependencies include all kinds of random unrelated mods #206

Open Sollace opened 7 months ago

Sollace commented 7 months ago

Current Behaviour

I wanted to start testing my mod together with controlify so I can start adding proper support for it, but when I add it as a dependency to my project, the build fails having not been able to find the following dependencies:

Could not find org.quiltmc:quilt-json5:1.0.3. Could not find com.github.llamalad7.mixinextras:mixinextras-fabric:0.2.0-beta.9. Could not find maven.modrinth:sodium:mc1.20.1-0.5.0. Could not find maven.modrinth:iris:1.6.5+1.20.1. Could not find maven.modrinth:immediatelyfast:1.1.25+1.20.1. Could not find maven.modrinth:simple-voice-chat:fabric-1.20.1-2.4.18

Quilt-Json and MixinExtras I can understand, but what are these other mods?

Expected Behaviour

Controlify should not depend on Iris, Sodium, and Simple Voice Chat. What does it even need these for?


No response

Reproduction Steps

I added controlify by adding its maven (not documented):

repositories {
    maven { name 'Controlify'; url '' }

And specifying it as a compile-time dependency:

dependencies {
    minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${project.minecraft_version}"
    mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:${project.yarn_mappings}:v2"
    modApi "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${project.loader_version}"
    modApi "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:${project.fabric_version}"

    modCompileOnly "dev.isxander:controlify:${project.controlify_version}"


No response

Mod Version





Operating System



Additional Information

No response

Just to make sure...

isXander commented 6 months ago

They are for compatibility, they shouldn't be transitive though...