isXander / Controlify

Another controller mod - for fabric!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
126 stars 24 forks source link

Crafting #220

Closed DenyCrafty closed 6 months ago

DenyCrafty commented 6 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Its annoying to hover over the arrow on the recipe book to go to the other pages. And its generally bad.

Describe the solution you'd like Ideally the crafting system from the legacy console editions ported in some way.

Describe alternatives you've considered If thats to much work maybe at least the function to scroll through the pages with R1/L1.

arnokeesman commented 6 months ago

just had a go at the alternative, you can grab the "artifact" from the actions build to give it a try (let me know if you need it for another version in 1.20.something)

couple months ago some ideas were thrown around in the discord, conclusion basically was: something with more controller convenience is needed

isXander commented 6 months ago

just had a go at the alternative, you can grab the "artifact" from the actions build to give it a try (let me know if you need it for another version in 1.20.something)

couple months ago some ideas were thrown around in the discord, conclusion basically was: something with more controller convenience is needed

If you do end up PRing this the instanceof check should not be used to provide logic. Check out the ScreenProcessor stuff, specifically the handleScreenVMouse method.

arnokeesman commented 6 months ago

How would I go about creating a ScreenProcessor that applies to all screens that have a recipe book? (CraftingScreen, InventoryScreen, FurnaceScreen, BlastFurnaceScreen, SmokerScreen(last three can probably be taken from AbstractFurnaceScreen) and possibly more) What they have in common is the interface RecipeUpdateListener and they all at some point inherit from RecipeBookMenu<C extends Container> (not a Screen yet)

isXander commented 6 months ago

mixin into RecipeBookMenu then!