Closed XInyuSong000 closed 1 year ago
Hi @XInyuSong000
Could you please share the script(s) you modified for testing?
I have included the from import PinholeCameraCfg
statement in the Isaac Orbit source/extensions/omni.isaac.orbit_envs/omni/isaac/orbit_envs/manipulation/lift/
file (line 14) which seems to cause the error and run the skrl v-1.0.0
sample without any problem.
Hi @XInyuSong000
Could you please share the script(s) you modified for testing?
I have included the
from import PinholeCameraCfg
statement in the Isaac Orbitsource/extensions/omni.isaac.orbit_envs/omni/isaac/orbit_envs/manipulation/lift/
file (line 14) which seems to cause the error and run the skrl
sample without any problem.
I modified and
# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES, ETH Zurich, and University of Toronto
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
from omni.isaac.orbit.controllers.differential_inverse_kinematics import DifferentialInverseKinematicsCfg
from omni.isaac.orbit.objects import RigidObjectCfg
from omni.isaac.orbit.robots.config.franka import FRANKA_PANDA_ARM_WITH_PANDA_HAND_CFG
from omni.isaac.orbit.robots.single_arm import SingleArmManipulatorCfg
from omni.isaac.orbit.utils import configclass
from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.assets import ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR
from omni.isaac.orbit_envs.isaac_env_cfg import EnvCfg, IsaacEnvCfg, PhysxCfg, SimCfg, ViewerCfg
from import PinholeCameraCfg
# Scene settings
class TableCfg:
"""Properties for the table."""
# note: we use instanceable asset since it consumes less memory
usd_path = f"{ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR}/Props/Mounts/SeattleLabTable/table_instanceable.usd"
class ManipulationObjectCfg(RigidObjectCfg):
"""Properties for the object to manipulate in the scene."""
meta_info = RigidObjectCfg.MetaInfoCfg(
scale=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8),
init_state = RigidObjectCfg.InitialStateCfg(
pos=(0.4, 0.0, 0.075), rot=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), lin_vel=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ang_vel=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
rigid_props = RigidObjectCfg.RigidBodyPropertiesCfg(
physics_material = RigidObjectCfg.PhysicsMaterialCfg(
static_friction=0.5, dynamic_friction=0.5, restitution=0.0, prim_path="/World/Materials/cubeMaterial"
class GoalMarkerCfg:
"""Properties for visualization marker."""
# usd file to import
usd_path = f"{ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR}/Props/UIElements/frame_prim.usd"
# scale of the asset at import
scale = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05] # x,y,z
class FrameMarkerCfg:
"""Properties for visualization marker."""
# usd file to import
usd_path = f"{ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR}/Props/UIElements/frame_prim.usd"
# scale of the asset at import
scale = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1] # x,y,z
# MDP settings
class RandomizationCfg:
"""Randomization of scene at reset."""
class ObjectInitialPoseCfg:
"""Randomization of object initial pose."""
# category
position_cat: str = "default" # randomize position: "default", "uniform"
orientation_cat: str = "default" # randomize position: "default", "uniform"
# randomize position
position_uniform_min = [0.4, -0.25, 0.075] # position (x,y,z)
position_uniform_max = [0.6, 0.25, 0.075] # position (x,y,z)
class ObjectDesiredPoseCfg:
"""Randomization of object desired pose."""
# category
position_cat: str = "default" # randomize position: "default", "uniform"
orientation_cat: str = "default" # randomize position: "default", "uniform"
# randomize position
position_default = [0.5, 0.0, 0.5] # position default (x,y,z)
position_uniform_min = [0.4, -0.25, 0.25] # position (x,y,z)
position_uniform_max = [0.6, 0.25, 0.5] # position (x,y,z)
# randomize orientation
orientation_default = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # orientation default
# initialize
object_initial_pose: ObjectInitialPoseCfg = ObjectInitialPoseCfg()
object_desired_pose: ObjectDesiredPoseCfg = ObjectDesiredPoseCfg()
class ObservationsCfg:
"""Observation specifications for the MDP."""
class PolicyCfg:
"""Observations for policy group."""
# global group settings
enable_corruption: bool = True
# observation terms
# -- joint state
arm_dof_pos = {"scale": 1.0}
# arm_dof_pos_scaled = {"scale": 1.0}
# arm_dof_vel = {"scale": 0.5, "noise": {"name": "uniform", "min": -0.01, "max": 0.01}}
tool_dof_pos_scaled = {"scale": 1.0}
# -- end effector state
tool_positions = {"scale": 1.0}
tool_orientations = {"scale": 1.0}
# -- object state
# object_positions = {"scale": 1.0}
# object_orientations = {"scale": 1.0}
object_relative_tool_positions = {"scale": 1.0}
# object_relative_tool_orientations = {"scale": 1.0}
# -- object desired state
object_desired_positions = {"scale": 1.0}
# -- previous action
arm_actions = {"scale": 1.0}
tool_actions = {"scale": 1.0}
img = {"scale": 1.0}
# global observation settings
return_dict_obs_in_group = False
"""Whether to return observations as dictionary or flattened vector within groups."""
# observation groups
policy: PolicyCfg = PolicyCfg()
class RewardsCfg:
"""Reward terms for the MDP."""
# -- robot-centric
# reaching_object_position_l2 = {"weight": 0.0}
# reaching_object_position_exp = {"weight": 2.5, "sigma": 0.25}
reaching_object_position_tanh = {"weight": 2.5, "sigma": 0.1}
# penalizing_arm_dof_velocity_l2 = {"weight": 1e-5}
# penalizing_tool_dof_velocity_l2 = {"weight": 1e-5}
# penalizing_robot_dof_acceleration_l2 = {"weight": 1e-7}
# -- action-centric
penalizing_arm_action_rate_l2 = {"weight": 1e-2}
# penalizing_tool_action_l2 = {"weight": 1e-2}
# -- object-centric
# tracking_object_position_exp = {"weight": 5.0, "sigma": 0.25, "threshold": 0.08}
tracking_object_position_tanh = {"weight": 5.0, "sigma": 0.2, "threshold": 0.08}
lifting_object_success = {"weight": 3.5, "threshold": 0.08}
class TerminationsCfg:
"""Termination terms for the MDP."""
episode_timeout = True # reset when episode length ended
object_falling = True # reset when object falls off the table
is_success = False # reset when object is lifted
class ControlCfg:
"""Processing of MDP actions."""
# action space
control_type = "default" # "default", "inverse_kinematics"
# decimation: Number of control action updates @ sim dt per policy dt
decimation = 2
# configuration loaded when control_type == "inverse_kinematics"
inverse_kinematics: DifferentialInverseKinematicsCfg = DifferentialInverseKinematicsCfg(
position_command_scale=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
rotation_command_scale=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
# Environment configuration
class LiftEnvCfg(IsaacEnvCfg):
"""Configuration for the Lift environment."""
# General Settings
env: EnvCfg = EnvCfg(num_envs=4096, env_spacing=2.5, episode_length_s=5.0)
viewer: ViewerCfg = ViewerCfg(debug_vis=True, eye=(7.5, 7.5, 7.5), lookat=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
# Physics settings
sim: SimCfg = SimCfg(
gpu_found_lost_aggregate_pairs_capacity=1024 * 1024 * 4,
gpu_total_aggregate_pairs_capacity=16 * 1024,
# Scene Settings
# -- robot
robot: SingleArmManipulatorCfg = FRANKA_PANDA_ARM_WITH_PANDA_HAND_CFG
# -- object
object: ManipulationObjectCfg = ManipulationObjectCfg()
# -- table
table: TableCfg = TableCfg()
# -- visualization marker
goal_marker: GoalMarkerCfg = GoalMarkerCfg()
frame_marker: FrameMarkerCfg = FrameMarkerCfg()
# MDP settings
randomization: RandomizationCfg = RandomizationCfg()
observations: ObservationsCfg = ObservationsCfg()
rewards: RewardsCfg = RewardsCfg()
terminations: TerminationsCfg = TerminationsCfg()
# Controller settings
control: ControlCfg = ControlCfg()
camera: PinholeCameraCfg = PinholeCameraCfg(
focal_length=24.0, focus_distance=400.0, horizontal_aperture=20.955, clipping_range=(0.1, 1.0e5))
# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES, ETH Zurich, and University of Toronto
# All rights reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import gym.spaces
import math
import torch
from typing import List
import omni.isaac.core.utils.prims as prim_utils
import omni.isaac.orbit.utils.kit as kit_utils
from omni.isaac.orbit.controllers.differential_inverse_kinematics import DifferentialInverseKinematics
from omni.isaac.orbit.markers import StaticMarker
from omni.isaac.orbit.objects import RigidObject
from omni.isaac.orbit.robots.single_arm import SingleArmManipulator
from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.dict import class_to_dict
from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.math import quat_inv, quat_mul, random_orientation, sample_uniform, scale_transform
from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.mdp import ObservationManager, RewardManager
from omni.isaac.orbit_envs.isaac_env import IsaacEnv, VecEnvIndices, VecEnvObs
from .lift_cfg import LiftEnvCfg, RandomizationCfg
from import Camera
class LiftEnv(IsaacEnv):
"""Environment for lifting an object off a table with a single-arm manipulator."""
def __init__(self, cfg: LiftEnvCfg = None, **kwargs):
# copy configuration
self.cfg = cfg
# parse the configuration for controller configuration
# note: controller decides the robot control mode
# create classes (these are called by the function :meth:`_design_scene`)
self.robot = SingleArmManipulator(cfg=self.cfg.robot)
self.object = RigidObject(cfg=self.cfg.object) = Camera(
# initialize the base class to setup the scene.
super().__init__(self.cfg, **kwargs)
# parse the configuration for information
# initialize views for the cloned scenes
# prepare the observation manager
self._observation_manager = LiftObservationManager(class_to_dict(self.cfg.observations), self, self.device)
# prepare the reward manager
self._reward_manager = LiftRewardManager(
class_to_dict(self.cfg.rewards), self, self.num_envs, self.dt, self.device
# print information about MDP
print("[INFO] Observation Manager:", self._observation_manager)
print("[INFO] Reward Manager: ", self._reward_manager)
# compute the observation space: arm joint state + ee-position + goal-position + actions
num_obs = self._observation_manager.group_obs_dim["policy"][0]
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-math.inf, high=math.inf, shape=(num_obs,))
# compute the action space
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(self.num_actions,))
print("[INFO]: Completed setting up the environment...")
# Take an initial step to initialize the scene.
# This is required to compute quantities like Jacobians used in step().
# -- fill up buffers
Implementation specifics.
def _design_scene(self) -> List[str]:
# ground plane
kit_utils.create_ground_plane("/World/defaultGroundPlane", z_position=-1.05)
# table
prim_utils.create_prim(self.template_env_ns + "/Table", usd_path=self.cfg.table.usd_path)
# robot
self.robot.spawn(self.template_env_ns + "/Robot")
# object
self.object.spawn(self.template_env_ns + "/Object")
# camera + "/CameraSensor")
# setup debug visualization
if self.cfg.viewer.debug_vis and self.enable_render:
# create point instancer to visualize the goal points
self._goal_markers = StaticMarker(
# create marker for viewing end-effector pose
self._ee_markers = StaticMarker(
# create marker for viewing command (if task-space controller is used)
if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics":
self._cmd_markers = StaticMarker(
# return list of global prims
return ["/World/defaultGroundPlane"]
def _reset_idx(self, env_ids: VecEnvIndices):
# randomize the MDP
# -- robot DOF state
dof_pos, dof_vel = self.robot.get_default_dof_state(env_ids=env_ids)
self.robot.set_dof_state(dof_pos, dof_vel, env_ids=env_ids)
# -- object pose
self._randomize_object_initial_pose(env_ids=env_ids, cfg=self.cfg.randomization.object_initial_pose)
# -- goal pose
self._randomize_object_desired_pose(env_ids=env_ids, cfg=self.cfg.randomization.object_desired_pose)
# -- Reward logging
# fill extras with episode information
self.extras["episode"] = dict()
# reset
# -- rewards manager: fills the sums for terminated episodes
self._reward_manager.reset_idx(env_ids, self.extras["episode"])
# -- obs manager
# -- reset history
self.previous_actions[env_ids] = 0
# -- MDP reset
self.reset_buf[env_ids] = 0
self.episode_length_buf[env_ids] = 0
# controller reset
if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics":
# camera reset
def _step_impl(self, actions: torch.Tensor):
# pre-step: set actions into buffer
self.actions = actions.clone().to(device=self.device)
# transform actions based on controller
if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics":
# set the controller commands
self._ik_controller.set_command(self.actions[:, :-1])
# use IK to convert to joint-space commands
self.robot_actions[:, : self.robot.arm_num_dof] = self._ik_controller.compute([:, 0:3] - self.envs_positions,[:, 3:7],,,
# offset actuator command with position offsets
dof_pos_offset =
self.robot_actions[:, : self.robot.arm_num_dof] -= dof_pos_offset[:, : self.robot.arm_num_dof]
# we assume last command is tool action so don't change that
self.robot_actions[:, -1] = self.actions[:, -1]
elif self.cfg.control.control_type == "default":
self.robot_actions[:] = self.actions
# perform physics stepping
for _ in range(self.cfg.control.decimation):
# set actions into buffers
# simulate
# check that simulation is playing
if self.sim.is_stopped():
# post-step:
# -- compute common buffers
# -- compute MDP signals
# reward
self.reward_buf = self._reward_manager.compute()
# terminations
# -- store history
self.previous_actions = self.actions.clone()
# -- add information to extra if timeout occurred due to episode length
# Note: this is used by algorithms like PPO where time-outs are handled differently
self.extras["time_outs"] = self.episode_length_buf >= self.max_episode_length
# -- add information to extra if task completed
object_position_error = torch.norm( - self.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3], dim=1)
self.extras["is_success"] = torch.where(object_position_error < 0.02, 1, self.reset_buf)
# -- update USD visualization
if self.cfg.viewer.debug_vis and self.enable_render:
def _get_observations(self) -> VecEnvObs:
# compute observations
return self._observation_manager.compute()
Helper functions - Scene handling.
def _pre_process_cfg(self) -> None:
"""Pre-processing of configuration parameters."""
# set configuration for task-space controller
if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics":
print("Using inverse kinematics controller...")
# enable jacobian computation
self.cfg.robot.data_info.enable_jacobian = True
# enable gravity compensation
self.cfg.robot.rigid_props.disable_gravity = True
# set the end-effector offsets
self.cfg.control.inverse_kinematics.position_offset = self.cfg.robot.ee_info.pos_offset
self.cfg.control.inverse_kinematics.rotation_offset = self.cfg.robot.ee_info.rot_offset
print("Using default joint controller...")
def _process_cfg(self) -> None:
"""Post processing of configuration parameters."""
# compute constants for environment
self.dt = self.cfg.control.decimation * self.physics_dt # control-dt
self.max_episode_length = math.ceil(self.cfg.env.episode_length_s / self.dt)
# convert configuration parameters to torchee
# randomization
# -- initial pose
config = self.cfg.randomization.object_initial_pose
for attr in ["position_uniform_min", "position_uniform_max"]:
setattr(config, attr, torch.tensor(getattr(config, attr), device=self.device, requires_grad=False))
# -- desired pose
config = self.cfg.randomization.object_desired_pose
for attr in ["position_uniform_min", "position_uniform_max", "position_default", "orientation_default"]:
setattr(config, attr, torch.tensor(getattr(config, attr), device=self.device, requires_grad=False))
def _initialize_views(self) -> None:
"""Creates views and extract useful quantities from them."""
# play the simulator to activate physics handles
# note: this activates the physics simulation view that exposes TensorAPIs
# define views over instances
self.robot.initialize(self.env_ns + "/.*/Robot")
self.object.initialize(self.env_ns + "/.*/Object")
for i in range(self.num_envs): + "/env_"+str(i)+"/CameraSensor/Camera")[0.5,0,1],[0.5,0,0])
# create controller
if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics":
self._ik_controller = DifferentialInverseKinematics(
self.cfg.control.inverse_kinematics, self.robot.count, self.device
self.num_actions = self._ik_controller.num_actions + 1
elif self.cfg.control.control_type == "default":
self.num_actions = self.robot.num_actions
# history
self.actions = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, self.num_actions), device=self.device)
self.previous_actions = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, self.num_actions), device=self.device)
# robot joint actions
self.robot_actions = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, self.robot.num_actions), device=self.device)
# commands
self.object_des_pose_w = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 7), device=self.device)
# buffers
self.object_root_pose_ee = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 7), device=self.device)
# time-step = 0
self.object_init_pose_w = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 7), device=self.device)
def _debug_vis(self):
"""Visualize the environment in debug mode."""
# apply to instance manager
# -- goal
self._goal_markers.set_world_poses(self.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3], self.object_des_pose_w[:, 3:7])
# -- end-effector
self._ee_markers.set_world_poses([:, 0:3],[:, 3:7])
# -- task-space commands
if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics":
# convert to world frame
ee_positions = self._ik_controller.desired_ee_pos + self.envs_positions
ee_orientations = self._ik_controller.desired_ee_rot
# set poses
self._cmd_markers.set_world_poses(ee_positions, ee_orientations)
Helper functions - MDP.
def _check_termination(self) -> None:
# access buffers from simulator
object_pos = - self.envs_positions
# extract values from buffer
self.reset_buf[:] = 0
# compute resets
# -- when task is successful
if self.cfg.terminations.is_success:
object_position_error = torch.norm( - self.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3], dim=1)
self.reset_buf = torch.where(object_position_error < 0.02, 1, self.reset_buf)
# -- object fell off the table (table at height: 0.0 m)
if self.cfg.terminations.object_falling:
self.reset_buf = torch.where(object_pos[:, 2] < -0.05, 1, self.reset_buf)
# -- episode length
if self.cfg.terminations.episode_timeout:
self.reset_buf = torch.where(self.episode_length_buf >= self.max_episode_length, 1, self.reset_buf)
def _randomize_object_initial_pose(self, env_ids: torch.Tensor, cfg: RandomizationCfg.ObjectInitialPoseCfg):
"""Randomize the initial pose of the object."""
# get the default root state
root_state = self.object.get_default_root_state(env_ids)
# -- object root position
if cfg.position_cat == "default":
elif cfg.position_cat == "uniform":
# sample uniformly from box
# note: this should be within in the workspace of the robot
root_state[:, 0:3] = sample_uniform(
cfg.position_uniform_min, cfg.position_uniform_max, (len(env_ids), 3), device=self.device
raise ValueError(f"Invalid category for randomizing the object positions '{cfg.position_cat}'.")
# -- object root orientation
if cfg.orientation_cat == "default":
elif cfg.orientation_cat == "uniform":
# sample uniformly in SO(3)
root_state[:, 3:7] = random_orientation(len(env_ids), self.device)
raise ValueError(f"Invalid category for randomizing the object orientation '{cfg.orientation_cat}'.")
# transform command from local env to world
root_state[:, 0:3] += self.envs_positions[env_ids]
# update object init pose
self.object_init_pose_w[env_ids] = root_state[:, 0:7]
# set the root state
self.object.set_root_state(root_state, env_ids=env_ids)
def _randomize_object_desired_pose(self, env_ids: torch.Tensor, cfg: RandomizationCfg.ObjectDesiredPoseCfg):
"""Randomize the desired pose of the object."""
# -- desired object root position
if cfg.position_cat == "default":
# constant command for position
self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 0:3] = cfg.position_default
elif cfg.position_cat == "uniform":
# sample uniformly from box
# note: this should be within in the workspace of the robot
self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 0:3] = sample_uniform(
cfg.position_uniform_min, cfg.position_uniform_max, (len(env_ids), 3), device=self.device
raise ValueError(f"Invalid category for randomizing the desired object positions '{cfg.position_cat}'.")
# -- desired object root orientation
if cfg.orientation_cat == "default":
# constant position of the object
self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 3:7] = cfg.orientation_default
elif cfg.orientation_cat == "uniform":
self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 3:7] = random_orientation(len(env_ids), self.device)
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid category for randomizing the desired object orientation '{cfg.orientation_cat}'."
# transform command from local env to world
self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 0:3] += self.envs_positions[env_ids]
class LiftObservationManager(ObservationManager):
"""Reward manager for single-arm reaching environment."""
def arm_dof_pos(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""DOF positions for the arm."""
def arm_dof_pos_scaled(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""DOF positions for the arm normalized to its max and min ranges."""
return scale_transform(,[:, : env.robot.arm_num_dof, 0],[:, : env.robot.arm_num_dof, 1],
def arm_dof_vel(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""DOF velocity of the arm."""
def tool_dof_pos_scaled(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""DOF positions of the tool normalized to its max and min ranges."""
return scale_transform(,[:, env.robot.arm_num_dof :, 0],[:, env.robot.arm_num_dof :, 1],
def tool_positions(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Current end-effector position of the arm."""
return[:, :3] - env.envs_positions
def tool_orientations(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Current end-effector orientation of the arm."""
# make the first element positive
quat_w =[:, 3:7]
quat_w[quat_w[:, 0] < 0] *= -1
return quat_w
def object_positions(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Current object position."""
return - env.envs_positions
def object_orientations(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Current object orientation."""
# make the first element positive
quat_w =
quat_w[quat_w[:, 0] < 0] *= -1
return quat_w
def object_relative_tool_positions(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Current object position w.r.t. end-effector frame."""
return -[:, :3]
def object_relative_tool_orientations(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Current object orientation w.r.t. end-effector frame."""
# compute the relative orientation
quat_ee = quat_mul(quat_inv([:, 3:7]),
# make the first element positive
quat_ee[quat_ee[:, 0] < 0] *= -1
return quat_ee
def object_desired_positions(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Desired object position."""
return env.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3] - env.envs_positions
def object_desired_orientations(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Desired object orientation."""
# make the first element positive
quat_w = env.object_des_pose_w[:, 3:7]
quat_w[quat_w[:, 0] < 0] *= -1
return quat_w
def arm_actions(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Last arm actions provided to env."""
return env.actions[:, :-1]
def tool_actions(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Last tool actions provided to env."""
return env.actions[:, -1].unsqueeze(1)
def tool_actions_bool(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Last tool actions transformed to a boolean command."""
return torch.sign(env.actions[:, -1]).unsqueeze(1)
def img(self, env:LiftEnv):
return torch.FloatTensor(["rgb"]).flatten().unsqueeze(0).to(device=self.device)
class LiftRewardManager(RewardManager):
"""Reward manager for single-arm object lifting environment."""
def reaching_object_position_l2(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Penalize end-effector tracking position error using L2-kernel."""
return torch.sum(torch.square([:, 0:3] -, dim=1)
def reaching_object_position_exp(self, env: LiftEnv, sigma: float):
"""Penalize end-effector tracking position error using exp-kernel."""
error = torch.sum(torch.square([:, 0:3] -, dim=1)
return torch.exp(-error / sigma)
def reaching_object_position_tanh(self, env: LiftEnv, sigma: float):
"""Penalize tool sites tracking position error using tanh-kernel."""
# distance of end-effector to the object: (num_envs,)
ee_distance = torch.norm([:, 0:3] -, dim=1)
# distance of the tool sites to the object: (num_envs, num_tool_sites)
object_root_pos = # (num_envs, 1, 3)
tool_sites_distance = torch.norm([:, :, :3] - object_root_pos, dim=-1)
# average distance of the tool sites to the object: (num_envs,)
# note: we add the ee distance to the average to make sure that the ee is always closer to the object
num_tool_sites = tool_sites_distance.shape[1]
average_distance = (ee_distance + torch.sum(tool_sites_distance, dim=1)) / (num_tool_sites + 1)
return 1 - torch.tanh(average_distance / sigma)
def penalizing_arm_dof_velocity_l2(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Penalize large movements of the robot arm."""
return -torch.sum(torch.square(, dim=1)
def penalizing_tool_dof_velocity_l2(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Penalize large movements of the robot tool."""
return -torch.sum(torch.square(, dim=1)
def penalizing_arm_action_rate_l2(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Penalize large variations in action commands besides tool."""
return -torch.sum(torch.square(env.actions[:, :-1] - env.previous_actions[:, :-1]), dim=1)
def penalizing_tool_action_l2(self, env: LiftEnv):
"""Penalize large values in action commands for the tool."""
return -torch.square(env.actions[:, -1])
def tracking_object_position_exp(self, env: LiftEnv, sigma: float, threshold: float):
"""Penalize tracking object position error using exp-kernel."""
# distance of the end-effector to the object: (num_envs,)
error = torch.sum(torch.square(env.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3] -, dim=1)
# rewarded if the object is lifted above the threshold
return ([:, 2] > threshold) * torch.exp(-error / sigma)
def tracking_object_position_tanh(self, env: LiftEnv, sigma: float, threshold: float):
"""Penalize tracking object position error using tanh-kernel."""
# distance of the end-effector to the object: (num_envs,)
distance = torch.norm(env.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3] -, dim=1)
# rewarded if the object is lifted above the threshold
return ([:, 2] > threshold) * (1 - torch.tanh(distance / sigma))
def lifting_object_success(self, env: LiftEnv, threshold: float):
"""Sparse reward if object is lifted successfully."""
return torch.where([:, 2] > threshold, 1.0, 0.0)
Hi @XInyuSong000 Could you please share the script(s) you modified for testing? I have included the
from import PinholeCameraCfg
statement in the Isaac Orbitsource/extensions/omni.isaac.orbit_envs/omni/isaac/orbit_envs/manipulation/lift/
file (line 14) which seems to cause the error and run the skrl
sample without any problem.I modified and
# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES, ETH Zurich, and University of Toronto # All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause from omni.isaac.orbit.controllers.differential_inverse_kinematics import DifferentialInverseKinematicsCfg from omni.isaac.orbit.objects import RigidObjectCfg from omni.isaac.orbit.robots.config.franka import FRANKA_PANDA_ARM_WITH_PANDA_HAND_CFG from omni.isaac.orbit.robots.single_arm import SingleArmManipulatorCfg from omni.isaac.orbit.utils import configclass from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.assets import ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR from omni.isaac.orbit_envs.isaac_env_cfg import EnvCfg, IsaacEnvCfg, PhysxCfg, SimCfg, ViewerCfg from import PinholeCameraCfg ## # Scene settings ## @configclass class TableCfg: """Properties for the table.""" # note: we use instanceable asset since it consumes less memory usd_path = f"{ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR}/Props/Mounts/SeattleLabTable/table_instanceable.usd" @configclass class ManipulationObjectCfg(RigidObjectCfg): """Properties for the object to manipulate in the scene.""" meta_info = RigidObjectCfg.MetaInfoCfg( usd_path=f"{ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR}/Props/Blocks/DexCube/dex_cube_instanceable.usd", scale=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), ) init_state = RigidObjectCfg.InitialStateCfg( pos=(0.4, 0.0, 0.075), rot=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), lin_vel=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), ang_vel=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) ) rigid_props = RigidObjectCfg.RigidBodyPropertiesCfg( solver_position_iteration_count=16, solver_velocity_iteration_count=1, max_angular_velocity=1000.0, max_linear_velocity=1000.0, max_depenetration_velocity=5.0, disable_gravity=False, ) physics_material = RigidObjectCfg.PhysicsMaterialCfg( static_friction=0.5, dynamic_friction=0.5, restitution=0.0, prim_path="/World/Materials/cubeMaterial" ) @configclass class GoalMarkerCfg: """Properties for visualization marker.""" # usd file to import usd_path = f"{ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR}/Props/UIElements/frame_prim.usd" # scale of the asset at import scale = [0.05, 0.05, 0.05] # x,y,z @configclass class FrameMarkerCfg: """Properties for visualization marker.""" # usd file to import usd_path = f"{ISAAC_NUCLEUS_DIR}/Props/UIElements/frame_prim.usd" # scale of the asset at import scale = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1] # x,y,z ## # MDP settings ## @configclass class RandomizationCfg: """Randomization of scene at reset.""" @configclass class ObjectInitialPoseCfg: """Randomization of object initial pose.""" # category position_cat: str = "default" # randomize position: "default", "uniform" orientation_cat: str = "default" # randomize position: "default", "uniform" # randomize position position_uniform_min = [0.4, -0.25, 0.075] # position (x,y,z) position_uniform_max = [0.6, 0.25, 0.075] # position (x,y,z) @configclass class ObjectDesiredPoseCfg: """Randomization of object desired pose.""" # category position_cat: str = "default" # randomize position: "default", "uniform" orientation_cat: str = "default" # randomize position: "default", "uniform" # randomize position position_default = [0.5, 0.0, 0.5] # position default (x,y,z) position_uniform_min = [0.4, -0.25, 0.25] # position (x,y,z) position_uniform_max = [0.6, 0.25, 0.5] # position (x,y,z) # randomize orientation orientation_default = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] # orientation default # initialize object_initial_pose: ObjectInitialPoseCfg = ObjectInitialPoseCfg() object_desired_pose: ObjectDesiredPoseCfg = ObjectDesiredPoseCfg() @configclass class ObservationsCfg: """Observation specifications for the MDP.""" @configclass class PolicyCfg: """Observations for policy group.""" # global group settings enable_corruption: bool = True # observation terms # -- joint state arm_dof_pos = {"scale": 1.0} # arm_dof_pos_scaled = {"scale": 1.0} # arm_dof_vel = {"scale": 0.5, "noise": {"name": "uniform", "min": -0.01, "max": 0.01}} tool_dof_pos_scaled = {"scale": 1.0} # -- end effector state tool_positions = {"scale": 1.0} tool_orientations = {"scale": 1.0} # -- object state # object_positions = {"scale": 1.0} # object_orientations = {"scale": 1.0} object_relative_tool_positions = {"scale": 1.0} # object_relative_tool_orientations = {"scale": 1.0} # -- object desired state object_desired_positions = {"scale": 1.0} # -- previous action arm_actions = {"scale": 1.0} tool_actions = {"scale": 1.0} img = {"scale": 1.0} # global observation settings return_dict_obs_in_group = False """Whether to return observations as dictionary or flattened vector within groups.""" # observation groups policy: PolicyCfg = PolicyCfg() @configclass class RewardsCfg: """Reward terms for the MDP.""" # -- robot-centric # reaching_object_position_l2 = {"weight": 0.0} # reaching_object_position_exp = {"weight": 2.5, "sigma": 0.25} reaching_object_position_tanh = {"weight": 2.5, "sigma": 0.1} # penalizing_arm_dof_velocity_l2 = {"weight": 1e-5} # penalizing_tool_dof_velocity_l2 = {"weight": 1e-5} # penalizing_robot_dof_acceleration_l2 = {"weight": 1e-7} # -- action-centric penalizing_arm_action_rate_l2 = {"weight": 1e-2} # penalizing_tool_action_l2 = {"weight": 1e-2} # -- object-centric # tracking_object_position_exp = {"weight": 5.0, "sigma": 0.25, "threshold": 0.08} tracking_object_position_tanh = {"weight": 5.0, "sigma": 0.2, "threshold": 0.08} lifting_object_success = {"weight": 3.5, "threshold": 0.08} @configclass class TerminationsCfg: """Termination terms for the MDP.""" episode_timeout = True # reset when episode length ended object_falling = True # reset when object falls off the table is_success = False # reset when object is lifted @configclass class ControlCfg: """Processing of MDP actions.""" # action space control_type = "default" # "default", "inverse_kinematics" # decimation: Number of control action updates @ sim dt per policy dt decimation = 2 # configuration loaded when control_type == "inverse_kinematics" inverse_kinematics: DifferentialInverseKinematicsCfg = DifferentialInverseKinematicsCfg( command_type="pose_rel", ik_method="dls", position_command_scale=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), rotation_command_scale=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), ) ## # Environment configuration ## @configclass class LiftEnvCfg(IsaacEnvCfg): """Configuration for the Lift environment.""" # General Settings env: EnvCfg = EnvCfg(num_envs=4096, env_spacing=2.5, episode_length_s=5.0) viewer: ViewerCfg = ViewerCfg(debug_vis=True, eye=(7.5, 7.5, 7.5), lookat=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) # Physics settings sim: SimCfg = SimCfg( dt=0.01, substeps=1, physx=PhysxCfg( gpu_found_lost_aggregate_pairs_capacity=1024 * 1024 * 4, gpu_total_aggregate_pairs_capacity=16 * 1024, friction_correlation_distance=0.00625, friction_offset_threshold=0.01, bounce_threshold_velocity=0.2, ), ) # Scene Settings # -- robot robot: SingleArmManipulatorCfg = FRANKA_PANDA_ARM_WITH_PANDA_HAND_CFG # -- object object: ManipulationObjectCfg = ManipulationObjectCfg() # -- table table: TableCfg = TableCfg() # -- visualization marker goal_marker: GoalMarkerCfg = GoalMarkerCfg() frame_marker: FrameMarkerCfg = FrameMarkerCfg() # MDP settings randomization: RandomizationCfg = RandomizationCfg() observations: ObservationsCfg = ObservationsCfg() rewards: RewardsCfg = RewardsCfg() terminations: TerminationsCfg = TerminationsCfg() # Controller settings control: ControlCfg = ControlCfg() #Camera camera: PinholeCameraCfg = PinholeCameraCfg( sensor_tick=0, height=50, width=50, data_types=["rgb"], usd_params=PinholeCameraCfg.UsdCameraCfg( focal_length=24.0, focus_distance=400.0, horizontal_aperture=20.955, clipping_range=(0.1, 1.0e5)) )
# Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES, ETH Zurich, and University of Toronto # All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause import gym.spaces import math import torch from typing import List import omni.isaac.core.utils.prims as prim_utils import omni.isaac.orbit.utils.kit as kit_utils from omni.isaac.orbit.controllers.differential_inverse_kinematics import DifferentialInverseKinematics from omni.isaac.orbit.markers import StaticMarker from omni.isaac.orbit.objects import RigidObject from omni.isaac.orbit.robots.single_arm import SingleArmManipulator from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.dict import class_to_dict from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.math import quat_inv, quat_mul, random_orientation, sample_uniform, scale_transform from omni.isaac.orbit.utils.mdp import ObservationManager, RewardManager from omni.isaac.orbit_envs.isaac_env import IsaacEnv, VecEnvIndices, VecEnvObs from .lift_cfg import LiftEnvCfg, RandomizationCfg from import Camera class LiftEnv(IsaacEnv): """Environment for lifting an object off a table with a single-arm manipulator.""" def __init__(self, cfg: LiftEnvCfg = None, **kwargs): # copy configuration self.cfg = cfg # parse the configuration for controller configuration # note: controller decides the robot control mode self._pre_process_cfg() # create classes (these are called by the function :meth:`_design_scene`) self.robot = SingleArmManipulator(cfg=self.cfg.robot) self.object = RigidObject(cfg=self.cfg.object) = Camera( # initialize the base class to setup the scene. super().__init__(self.cfg, **kwargs) # parse the configuration for information self._process_cfg() # initialize views for the cloned scenes self._initialize_views() # prepare the observation manager self._observation_manager = LiftObservationManager(class_to_dict(self.cfg.observations), self, self.device) # prepare the reward manager self._reward_manager = LiftRewardManager( class_to_dict(self.cfg.rewards), self, self.num_envs, self.dt, self.device ) # print information about MDP print("[INFO] Observation Manager:", self._observation_manager) print("[INFO] Reward Manager: ", self._reward_manager) # compute the observation space: arm joint state + ee-position + goal-position + actions num_obs = self._observation_manager.group_obs_dim["policy"][0] self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-math.inf, high=math.inf, shape=(num_obs,)) # compute the action space self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(self.num_actions,)) print("[INFO]: Completed setting up the environment...") # Take an initial step to initialize the scene. # This is required to compute quantities like Jacobians used in step(). self.sim.step() # -- fill up buffers self.object.update_buffers(self.dt) self.robot.update_buffers(self.dt) """ Implementation specifics. """ def _design_scene(self) -> List[str]: # ground plane kit_utils.create_ground_plane("/World/defaultGroundPlane", z_position=-1.05) # table prim_utils.create_prim(self.template_env_ns + "/Table", usd_path=self.cfg.table.usd_path) # robot self.robot.spawn(self.template_env_ns + "/Robot") # object self.object.spawn(self.template_env_ns + "/Object") # camera + "/CameraSensor") # setup debug visualization if self.cfg.viewer.debug_vis and self.enable_render: # create point instancer to visualize the goal points self._goal_markers = StaticMarker( "/Visuals/object_goal", self.num_envs, usd_path=self.cfg.goal_marker.usd_path, scale=self.cfg.goal_marker.scale, ) # create marker for viewing end-effector pose self._ee_markers = StaticMarker( "/Visuals/ee_current", self.num_envs, usd_path=self.cfg.frame_marker.usd_path, scale=self.cfg.frame_marker.scale, ) # create marker for viewing command (if task-space controller is used) if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics": self._cmd_markers = StaticMarker( "/Visuals/ik_command", self.num_envs, usd_path=self.cfg.frame_marker.usd_path, scale=self.cfg.frame_marker.scale, ) # return list of global prims return ["/World/defaultGroundPlane"] def _reset_idx(self, env_ids: VecEnvIndices): # randomize the MDP # -- robot DOF state dof_pos, dof_vel = self.robot.get_default_dof_state(env_ids=env_ids) self.robot.set_dof_state(dof_pos, dof_vel, env_ids=env_ids) # -- object pose self._randomize_object_initial_pose(env_ids=env_ids, cfg=self.cfg.randomization.object_initial_pose) # -- goal pose self._randomize_object_desired_pose(env_ids=env_ids, cfg=self.cfg.randomization.object_desired_pose) # -- Reward logging # fill extras with episode information self.extras["episode"] = dict() # reset # -- rewards manager: fills the sums for terminated episodes self._reward_manager.reset_idx(env_ids, self.extras["episode"]) # -- obs manager self._observation_manager.reset_idx(env_ids) # -- reset history self.previous_actions[env_ids] = 0 # -- MDP reset self.reset_buf[env_ids] = 0 self.episode_length_buf[env_ids] = 0 # controller reset if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics": self._ik_controller.reset_idx(env_ids) # camera reset def _step_impl(self, actions: torch.Tensor): # pre-step: set actions into buffer self.actions = actions.clone().to(device=self.device) # transform actions based on controller if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics": # set the controller commands self._ik_controller.set_command(self.actions[:, :-1]) # use IK to convert to joint-space commands self.robot_actions[:, : self.robot.arm_num_dof] = self._ik_controller.compute([:, 0:3] - self.envs_positions,[:, 3:7],,, ) # offset actuator command with position offsets dof_pos_offset = self.robot_actions[:, : self.robot.arm_num_dof] -= dof_pos_offset[:, : self.robot.arm_num_dof] # we assume last command is tool action so don't change that self.robot_actions[:, -1] = self.actions[:, -1] elif self.cfg.control.control_type == "default": self.robot_actions[:] = self.actions # perform physics stepping for _ in range(self.cfg.control.decimation): # set actions into buffers self.robot.apply_action(self.robot_actions) # simulate self.sim.step(render=self.enable_render) # check that simulation is playing if self.sim.is_stopped(): return # post-step: # -- compute common buffers self.robot.update_buffers(self.dt) self.object.update_buffers(self.dt) # -- compute MDP signals # reward self.reward_buf = self._reward_manager.compute() # terminations self._check_termination() # -- store history self.previous_actions = self.actions.clone() # -- add information to extra if timeout occurred due to episode length # Note: this is used by algorithms like PPO where time-outs are handled differently self.extras["time_outs"] = self.episode_length_buf >= self.max_episode_length # -- add information to extra if task completed object_position_error = torch.norm( - self.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3], dim=1) self.extras["is_success"] = torch.where(object_position_error < 0.02, 1, self.reset_buf) # -- update USD visualization if self.cfg.viewer.debug_vis and self.enable_render: self._debug_vis() def _get_observations(self) -> VecEnvObs: # compute observations return self._observation_manager.compute() """ Helper functions - Scene handling. """ def _pre_process_cfg(self) -> None: """Pre-processing of configuration parameters.""" # set configuration for task-space controller if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics": print("Using inverse kinematics controller...") # enable jacobian computation self.cfg.robot.data_info.enable_jacobian = True # enable gravity compensation self.cfg.robot.rigid_props.disable_gravity = True # set the end-effector offsets self.cfg.control.inverse_kinematics.position_offset = self.cfg.robot.ee_info.pos_offset self.cfg.control.inverse_kinematics.rotation_offset = self.cfg.robot.ee_info.rot_offset else: print("Using default joint controller...") def _process_cfg(self) -> None: """Post processing of configuration parameters.""" # compute constants for environment self.dt = self.cfg.control.decimation * self.physics_dt # control-dt self.max_episode_length = math.ceil(self.cfg.env.episode_length_s / self.dt) # convert configuration parameters to torchee # randomization # -- initial pose config = self.cfg.randomization.object_initial_pose for attr in ["position_uniform_min", "position_uniform_max"]: setattr(config, attr, torch.tensor(getattr(config, attr), device=self.device, requires_grad=False)) # -- desired pose config = self.cfg.randomization.object_desired_pose for attr in ["position_uniform_min", "position_uniform_max", "position_default", "orientation_default"]: setattr(config, attr, torch.tensor(getattr(config, attr), device=self.device, requires_grad=False)) def _initialize_views(self) -> None: """Creates views and extract useful quantities from them.""" # play the simulator to activate physics handles # note: this activates the physics simulation view that exposes TensorAPIs self.sim.reset() # define views over instances self.robot.initialize(self.env_ns + "/.*/Robot") self.object.initialize(self.env_ns + "/.*/Object") for i in range(self.num_envs): + "/env_"+str(i)+"/CameraSensor/Camera")[0.5,0,1],[0.5,0,0]) # create controller if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics": self._ik_controller = DifferentialInverseKinematics( self.cfg.control.inverse_kinematics, self.robot.count, self.device ) self.num_actions = self._ik_controller.num_actions + 1 elif self.cfg.control.control_type == "default": self.num_actions = self.robot.num_actions # history self.actions = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, self.num_actions), device=self.device) self.previous_actions = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, self.num_actions), device=self.device) # robot joint actions self.robot_actions = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, self.robot.num_actions), device=self.device) # commands self.object_des_pose_w = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 7), device=self.device) # buffers self.object_root_pose_ee = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 7), device=self.device) # time-step = 0 self.object_init_pose_w = torch.zeros((self.num_envs, 7), device=self.device) def _debug_vis(self): """Visualize the environment in debug mode.""" # apply to instance manager # -- goal self._goal_markers.set_world_poses(self.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3], self.object_des_pose_w[:, 3:7]) # -- end-effector self._ee_markers.set_world_poses([:, 0:3],[:, 3:7]) # -- task-space commands if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics": # convert to world frame ee_positions = self._ik_controller.desired_ee_pos + self.envs_positions ee_orientations = self._ik_controller.desired_ee_rot # set poses self._cmd_markers.set_world_poses(ee_positions, ee_orientations) """ Helper functions - MDP. """ def _check_termination(self) -> None: # access buffers from simulator object_pos = - self.envs_positions # extract values from buffer self.reset_buf[:] = 0 # compute resets # -- when task is successful if self.cfg.terminations.is_success: object_position_error = torch.norm( - self.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3], dim=1) self.reset_buf = torch.where(object_position_error < 0.02, 1, self.reset_buf) # -- object fell off the table (table at height: 0.0 m) if self.cfg.terminations.object_falling: self.reset_buf = torch.where(object_pos[:, 2] < -0.05, 1, self.reset_buf) # -- episode length if self.cfg.terminations.episode_timeout: self.reset_buf = torch.where(self.episode_length_buf >= self.max_episode_length, 1, self.reset_buf) def _randomize_object_initial_pose(self, env_ids: torch.Tensor, cfg: RandomizationCfg.ObjectInitialPoseCfg): """Randomize the initial pose of the object.""" # get the default root state root_state = self.object.get_default_root_state(env_ids) # -- object root position if cfg.position_cat == "default": pass elif cfg.position_cat == "uniform": # sample uniformly from box # note: this should be within in the workspace of the robot root_state[:, 0:3] = sample_uniform( cfg.position_uniform_min, cfg.position_uniform_max, (len(env_ids), 3), device=self.device ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid category for randomizing the object positions '{cfg.position_cat}'.") # -- object root orientation if cfg.orientation_cat == "default": pass elif cfg.orientation_cat == "uniform": # sample uniformly in SO(3) root_state[:, 3:7] = random_orientation(len(env_ids), self.device) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid category for randomizing the object orientation '{cfg.orientation_cat}'.") # transform command from local env to world root_state[:, 0:3] += self.envs_positions[env_ids] # update object init pose self.object_init_pose_w[env_ids] = root_state[:, 0:7] # set the root state self.object.set_root_state(root_state, env_ids=env_ids) def _randomize_object_desired_pose(self, env_ids: torch.Tensor, cfg: RandomizationCfg.ObjectDesiredPoseCfg): """Randomize the desired pose of the object.""" # -- desired object root position if cfg.position_cat == "default": # constant command for position self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 0:3] = cfg.position_default elif cfg.position_cat == "uniform": # sample uniformly from box # note: this should be within in the workspace of the robot self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 0:3] = sample_uniform( cfg.position_uniform_min, cfg.position_uniform_max, (len(env_ids), 3), device=self.device ) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid category for randomizing the desired object positions '{cfg.position_cat}'.") # -- desired object root orientation if cfg.orientation_cat == "default": # constant position of the object self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 3:7] = cfg.orientation_default elif cfg.orientation_cat == "uniform": self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 3:7] = random_orientation(len(env_ids), self.device) else: raise ValueError( f"Invalid category for randomizing the desired object orientation '{cfg.orientation_cat}'." ) # transform command from local env to world self.object_des_pose_w[env_ids, 0:3] += self.envs_positions[env_ids] class LiftObservationManager(ObservationManager): """Reward manager for single-arm reaching environment.""" def arm_dof_pos(self, env: LiftEnv): """DOF positions for the arm.""" return def arm_dof_pos_scaled(self, env: LiftEnv): """DOF positions for the arm normalized to its max and min ranges.""" return scale_transform(,[:, : env.robot.arm_num_dof, 0],[:, : env.robot.arm_num_dof, 1], ) def arm_dof_vel(self, env: LiftEnv): """DOF velocity of the arm.""" return def tool_dof_pos_scaled(self, env: LiftEnv): """DOF positions of the tool normalized to its max and min ranges.""" return scale_transform(,[:, env.robot.arm_num_dof :, 0],[:, env.robot.arm_num_dof :, 1], ) def tool_positions(self, env: LiftEnv): """Current end-effector position of the arm.""" return[:, :3] - env.envs_positions def tool_orientations(self, env: LiftEnv): """Current end-effector orientation of the arm.""" # make the first element positive quat_w =[:, 3:7] quat_w[quat_w[:, 0] < 0] *= -1 return quat_w def object_positions(self, env: LiftEnv): """Current object position.""" return - env.envs_positions def object_orientations(self, env: LiftEnv): """Current object orientation.""" # make the first element positive quat_w = quat_w[quat_w[:, 0] < 0] *= -1 return quat_w def object_relative_tool_positions(self, env: LiftEnv): """Current object position w.r.t. end-effector frame.""" return -[:, :3] def object_relative_tool_orientations(self, env: LiftEnv): """Current object orientation w.r.t. end-effector frame.""" # compute the relative orientation quat_ee = quat_mul(quat_inv([:, 3:7]), # make the first element positive quat_ee[quat_ee[:, 0] < 0] *= -1 return quat_ee def object_desired_positions(self, env: LiftEnv): """Desired object position.""" return env.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3] - env.envs_positions def object_desired_orientations(self, env: LiftEnv): """Desired object orientation.""" # make the first element positive quat_w = env.object_des_pose_w[:, 3:7] quat_w[quat_w[:, 0] < 0] *= -1 return quat_w def arm_actions(self, env: LiftEnv): """Last arm actions provided to env.""" return env.actions[:, :-1] def tool_actions(self, env: LiftEnv): """Last tool actions provided to env.""" return env.actions[:, -1].unsqueeze(1) def tool_actions_bool(self, env: LiftEnv): """Last tool actions transformed to a boolean command.""" return torch.sign(env.actions[:, -1]).unsqueeze(1) def img(self, env:LiftEnv): return torch.FloatTensor(["rgb"]).flatten().unsqueeze(0).to(device=self.device) class LiftRewardManager(RewardManager): """Reward manager for single-arm object lifting environment.""" def reaching_object_position_l2(self, env: LiftEnv): """Penalize end-effector tracking position error using L2-kernel.""" return torch.sum(torch.square([:, 0:3] -, dim=1) def reaching_object_position_exp(self, env: LiftEnv, sigma: float): """Penalize end-effector tracking position error using exp-kernel.""" error = torch.sum(torch.square([:, 0:3] -, dim=1) return torch.exp(-error / sigma) def reaching_object_position_tanh(self, env: LiftEnv, sigma: float): """Penalize tool sites tracking position error using tanh-kernel.""" # distance of end-effector to the object: (num_envs,) ee_distance = torch.norm([:, 0:3] -, dim=1) # distance of the tool sites to the object: (num_envs, num_tool_sites) object_root_pos = # (num_envs, 1, 3) tool_sites_distance = torch.norm([:, :, :3] - object_root_pos, dim=-1) # average distance of the tool sites to the object: (num_envs,) # note: we add the ee distance to the average to make sure that the ee is always closer to the object num_tool_sites = tool_sites_distance.shape[1] average_distance = (ee_distance + torch.sum(tool_sites_distance, dim=1)) / (num_tool_sites + 1) return 1 - torch.tanh(average_distance / sigma) def penalizing_arm_dof_velocity_l2(self, env: LiftEnv): """Penalize large movements of the robot arm.""" return -torch.sum(torch.square(, dim=1) def penalizing_tool_dof_velocity_l2(self, env: LiftEnv): """Penalize large movements of the robot tool.""" return -torch.sum(torch.square(, dim=1) def penalizing_arm_action_rate_l2(self, env: LiftEnv): """Penalize large variations in action commands besides tool.""" return -torch.sum(torch.square(env.actions[:, :-1] - env.previous_actions[:, :-1]), dim=1) def penalizing_tool_action_l2(self, env: LiftEnv): """Penalize large values in action commands for the tool.""" return -torch.square(env.actions[:, -1]) def tracking_object_position_exp(self, env: LiftEnv, sigma: float, threshold: float): """Penalize tracking object position error using exp-kernel.""" # distance of the end-effector to the object: (num_envs,) error = torch.sum(torch.square(env.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3] -, dim=1) # rewarded if the object is lifted above the threshold return ([:, 2] > threshold) * torch.exp(-error / sigma) def tracking_object_position_tanh(self, env: LiftEnv, sigma: float, threshold: float): """Penalize tracking object position error using tanh-kernel.""" # distance of the end-effector to the object: (num_envs,) distance = torch.norm(env.object_des_pose_w[:, 0:3] -, dim=1) # rewarded if the object is lifted above the threshold return ([:, 2] > threshold) * (1 - torch.tanh(distance / sigma)) def lifting_object_success(self, env: LiftEnv, threshold: float): """Sparse reward if object is lifted successfully.""" return torch.where([:, 2] > threshold, 1.0, 0.0)
I encountered this error through running this command: ./ -p --num_envs 1 --headless
I can successfully run the demo without --headless
Hi @XInyuSong000
Since both modes (headless and non-headless) use different Kit experience configuration files (.kit
files), it is necessary to enable the omni.replicator.isaac
extension (and the omni.kit.window.viewport
) in headless mode before importing the camera as follows:
from omni.isaac.core.utils.extensions import enable_extension
from import PinholeCameraCfg
If you are submitting a bug report, please fill in the following details and use the tag [bug].
Describe the bug
Steps to reproduce
I attempted to integrate a camera (50x50 RGB image) into the provided environment, Isaac-Lift-Franka-v0. I made modifications to both the ObservationManager and observation_space. I was then able to successfully run this environment using the specified command:
Then I attempted to use the example provided in the skrl documentation.
I encountered an error:
However, I can successfully run without the camera.
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