Cannot randomize the center of masses of bodies in an Articulation, with error "2024-07-04 09:45:53 [14,435ms] [Error] [omni.physx.tensors.plugin] Center of Mass cannot be set with GPU pipeline."
Steps to reproduce
I wrote some codes to randomize the center of mass:
def randomize_body_coms(
env: ManagerBasedEnv, env_ids: torch.Tensor | None, max_displacement: float, asset_cfg: SceneEntityCfg
"""Randomize the CoM of the bodies by adding a random value sampled from the given range.
.. tip::
This function uses CPU tensors to assign the CoM. It is recommended to use this function
only during the initialization of the environment.
# extract the used quantities (to enable type-hinting)
asset: Articulation = env.scene[]
# resolve environment ids
if env_ids is None:
env_ids = torch.arange(env.scene.num_envs, device="cpu")
env_ids = env_ids.cpu()
# resolve body indices
if asset_cfg.body_ids == slice(None):
body_ids = torch.arange(asset.num_bodies,, device="cpu")
body_ids = torch.tensor(asset_cfg.body_ids,, device="cpu")
# get the current com of the bodies (num_assets, num_bodies)
coms = asset.root_physx_view.get_coms().clone()[:, body_ids, :3]
# Randomize the com in range -max displacement to max displacement
coms += torch.rand_like(coms) * 2 * max_displacement - max_displacement
# Set the new coms
new_coms = asset.root_physx_view.get_coms().clone()
new_coms[:, asset_cfg.body_ids, 0:3] = coms
asset.root_physx_view.set_coms(new_coms, env_ids)
when the above function executes, it failed with error:
2024-07-04 09:45:53 [14,435ms] [Error] [omni.physx.tensors.plugin] Center of Mass cannot be set with GPU pipeline.
System Info
Describe the characteristic of your environment:
Commit: 1c4ea785
Isaac Sim Version: 4.0.0
OS: ubuntu 22.04
GPU: RTX 4080
CUDA: 12.3
GPU Driver: 545.29.06
Additional context
The randomization of center of mass at start up worked well in Orbit, but not in IsaacLab. Randomization of body masses at start up works in IsaacLab. I tried to write the randomization of CoM as similiar as possible to the mass, but it seems like a problem at the backend.
[x] I have checked that there is no similar issue in the repo (required)
[x] I have checked that the issue is not in running Isaac Sim itself and is related to the repo
Describe the bug
Cannot randomize the center of masses of bodies in an Articulation, with error "2024-07-04 09:45:53 [14,435ms] [Error] [omni.physx.tensors.plugin] Center of Mass cannot be set with GPU pipeline."
Steps to reproduce
I wrote some codes to randomize the center of mass:
when the above function executes, it failed with error:
System Info
Describe the characteristic of your environment:
Additional context
The randomization of center of mass at start up worked well in Orbit, but not in IsaacLab. Randomization of body masses at start up works in IsaacLab. I tried to write the randomization of CoM as similiar as possible to the mass, but it seems like a problem at the backend.