We’re trying to implement a simple gripper that works not by grasp friction but by tethering the object to the gripper when the gripper is close enough. I have used class LeggedMobileManipulator in issac orbit. I found there is a class named SurfaceGripper (https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/py/isaacsim/source/extensions/omni.isaac.surface_gripper/docs/index.html) can solve this problem. But how can I add SurfaceGripper to LeggedMobileManipulator in Issac orbit. And are there other solutions that can achieve this goal?
We’re trying to implement a simple gripper that works not by grasp friction but by tethering the object to the gripper when the gripper is close enough. I have used class LeggedMobileManipulator in issac orbit. I found there is a class named SurfaceGripper (https://docs.omniverse.nvidia.com/py/isaacsim/source/extensions/omni.isaac.surface_gripper/docs/index.html) can solve this problem. But how can I add SurfaceGripper to LeggedMobileManipulator in Issac orbit. And are there other solutions that can achieve this goal?