isaac-sim / IsaacLab

Unified framework for robot learning built on NVIDIA Isaac Sim
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[Question] Where to find other environments from paper and doc? #82

Closed Passworteingeben closed 1 month ago

Passworteingeben commented 1 year ago


Hello Orbit Team,

I went through the docs and were able to run the environments that I was able to find namely Cartpole, Ant, Humanoid, Velocity, Reach and Lift and I was wondering where the other examples showcased in your paper and docs (here: are and how to access them.

The base examples only show the basic observations like the position and orientation of the actor, object, and target position, however a more complex example that utilizes more complex observations would be appreciated.

For example Cloth Folding or Mobile Reach would be interesting, as these require observations which would require the NN to learn spacial awareness.

I would greatly appreciate it if you publish some of the more complex examples as Isaac still has a quite meager community support for how exactly to utilize the engine to its potential.

Kind regards

Mayankm96 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Passworteingeben ,

Unfortunately due to CoRL and other deadlines, the progress slowed down on adding all the environments into the repository. We will be working on this again from mid-June and make sure we have as many things as possible merged in.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

BruceGeLi commented 1 year ago

Hi, are there any updates for the other environments? I read your paper, install the code base, get the demo work, and then I realize that I could not find those fancy envs...which is a little bit disappointing...


duidui6666 commented 4 months ago

Could you please add it now? I want to try running the mobile manipulator task of opening the cabinet in the paper.

Mayankm96 commented 1 month ago

Hi again,

It has been difficult to balance re-adding these environments and at the same time, improving the framework with other requests. We are actively working on both fronts and hope to reach a state where all the environments exist and work out-of-the-box. However, some of the environments are held back since we are waiting for Isaac Sim to improve itself (for instance, FEM simulation for cloths).

Since this has been a repeated topic of discussion on GitHub, we have made a single issue to keep track of our progress: I hope this helps!