Closed LenaP7300 closed 1 month ago
You can use the RigidContactView from Isaac Sim for this:
Thank you very much for the tip! I tested a few things based on your example. The RigidObject has a RigidPrimView cylinder.objects. I called cylinder.objects.get_net_contact_forces() after setting track_contact_forces=True. (I had to adjust the implementation of cylinder.objects for this to work.) I now get a valid matrix, but whenever the robot hits the cylinder this error appears:
2023-07-20 19:47:29 [19,072ms] [Warning] [omni.hydra.scene_delegate.plugin] InstanceAdapter - cannot find cache item for proto /World/envs/env_0/Cylinder/collisions.proto_collisions_id0 2023-07-20 19:47:29 [19,072ms] [Warning] [omni.hydra.scene_delegate.plugin] InstanceAdapter - cannot find cache item for proto /World/envs/env_0/Cylinder/visuals.proto_visuals_id0
The Franka Robot then glitches into the table.
If I use more than one environment self.cylinder.initialize(self.env_ns + "/.*/Cylinder", track_contact_forces=True, prepare_contact_sensors=True) raises the exception "Failed to set rigid body transforms in backend"
Both faults only appear when track_contact_forces is true, while everything else remains unchanged. If you have any ideas on how I could solve this, I would appreciate them. Otherwise, thank you for your time!
Is it possible to get a repro for this? Maybe it is something to do with the tuning of collision offsets.
I am facing the same problem, Have you figure out how to solve the problem?
I figured it out. I applied the ContactReporter in the function initialize_views, but I think that it creates a prim or something. Orbit seems to have some trouble adding them anywhere other than design_scene. As soon as I added it in design_scene, it worked.
Could you share the gist, I would appreciate. Do you mean add self._initialize_views()
def _design_scene(self) -> List[str]:
# ground plane
if self.cfg.terrain.use_default_ground_plane:
# use the default ground plane
prim_utils.create_prim("/World/defaultGroundPlane", usd_path=self.cfg.terrain.usd_path)
# robot
self.robot.spawn(self.template_env_ns + "/Robot")
# initial views
But the errors are still. Could you tell me how to add it into design_scene? I'm not quite sure yet. Whats more, I want to check the contact force between the legged robots' feet and the ground
RigidContactView Please, could you give me a hand. I have tried but failed, could you give me more details. I tried play_quadruped, And
feet_body = RigidPrimView( prim_paths_expr=f"{prim_paths_expr}/{body_name}", name=foot_name, reset_xform_properties=False, track_contact_forces=True, prepare_contact_sensors=True )
But I only get zero tensor when i use the get_net_contact_forces()
In init()
self._contact_report_sub = get_physx_simulation_interface().subscribe_contact_report_events(self._on_contact_report_event)
def _design_scene(self):
kit_utils.create_ground_plane("/World/defaultGroundPlane", z_position=-1.05)
# table
prim_utils.create_prim(self.template_env_ns + "/Table", usd_path=self.cfg.table.usd_path)
# cube
self.cube.spawn(self.template_env_ns + "/Cube")
cubePrim = prim_utils.get_prim_at_path(self.template_env_ns + "/Cube")
# robot
self.robot.spawn(self.template_env_ns + "/Robot")
# camera + "/Camera", translation=[1.5, 1.5, 1.5], orientation=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
set_camera_view([3.0, 1.0, 1.3], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
# setup debug visualization
if self.cfg.viewer.debug_vis and self.enable_render:
# create point instancer to visualize the goal points
self._goal_markers = PointMarker("/Visuals/ee_goal", self.num_envs, radius=0.05)
# create marker for viewing end-effector pose
self._ee_markers = StaticMarker(
"/Visuals/ee_current", self.num_envs, usd_path=self.cfg.marker.usd_path, scale=self.cfg.marker.scale
# create marker for viewing command (if task-space controller is used)
if self.cfg.control.control_type == "inverse_kinematics":
self._cmd_markers = StaticMarker(
"/Visuals/ik_command", self.num_envs, usd_path=self.cfg.marker.usd_path, scale=self.cfg.marker.scale
# return list of global prims
return ["/World/defaultGroundPlane"]
I did not end up using RigidPrimView, but the ContactReporter as in the example here. I hope this helps.
Thanks for your reply! My problem is solved by the method proposed in issue110, finally.
Hello, is there any API that reports which object is in collision with the robot? The RigidContactView seems only returns the contact force vector of the links without the object information, e.g. I want to check whether the specified cube is in collsion with the robot, rather than something else.
I am searching for a function to check for collision between the Franka Robot and a Rigid Object. More concretely, a function that tells the Environment when a collision has occurred. I could not find any such function under omni.isaac.robot or omni.isaac.objects.rigid. Am I looking in the wrong place or missing something, or does something like this not exist?
Best regards.