isaac-sim / OmniIsaacGymEnvs

Reinforcement Learning Environments for Omniverse Isaac Gym
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When training, I randomly get this error: RuntimeError: normal expects all elements of std >= 0.0 #139

Open eferreirafilho opened 7 months ago

eferreirafilho commented 7 months ago

I'm using the FrankaDeformable as a basis for my own OIGE simulation. I sometimes get this error:

fps step: 45537 fps step and policy inference: 45269 fps total: 42296 epoch: 3491/100000 frames: 457441280
fps step: 45750 fps step and policy inference: 45477 fps total: 42487 epoch: 3492/100000 frames: 457572352
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,896,832ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: Error executing job with overrides: ['task=UR5eTask', 'headless=True', 'num_envs=8192', 'max_iterations=100000']

Error executing job with overrides: ['task=UR5eTask', 'headless=True', 'num_envs=8192', 'max_iterations=100000']
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: Traceback (most recent call last):

Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/omniverse-playground/OmniIsaacGymEnvs/omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/", line 142, in parse_hydra_configs

  File "/home/user/omniverse-playground/OmniIsaacGymEnvs/omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/", line 142, in parse_hydra_configs
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/omniverse-playground/OmniIsaacGymEnvs/omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/", line 74, in run

  File "/home/user/omniverse-playground/OmniIsaacGymEnvs/omniisaacgymenvs/scripts/", line 74, in run
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/", line 133, in run

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/", line 133, in run
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/", line 116, in run_train

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/", line 116, in run_train
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/common/", line 1318, in train
    step_time, play_time, update_time, sum_time, a_losses, c_losses, b_losses, entropies, kls, last_lr, lr_mul = self.train_epoch()

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/common/", line 1318, in train
    step_time, play_time, update_time, sum_time, a_losses, c_losses, b_losses, entropies, kls, last_lr, lr_mul = self.train_epoch()
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/common/", line 1182, in train_epoch
    batch_dict = self.play_steps()

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/common/", line 1182, in train_epoch
    batch_dict = self.play_steps()
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/common/", line 742, in play_steps
    res_dict = self.get_action_values(self.obs)

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/common/", line 742, in play_steps
    res_dict = self.get_action_values(self.obs)
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/common/", line 408, in get_action_values
    res_dict = self.model(input_dict)

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/common/", line 408, in get_action_values
    res_dict = self.model(input_dict)
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/extscache/omni.pip.torch-2_0_1-2.0.2+105.1.lx64/torch-2-0-1/torch/nn/modules/", line 1501, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*args, **kwargs)

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/extscache/omni.pip.torch-2_0_1-2.0.2+105.1.lx64/torch-2-0-1/torch/nn/modules/", line 1501, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*args, **kwargs)
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,000ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/algos_torch/", line 278, in forward
    selected_action = distr.sample()

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/rl_games/algos_torch/", line 278, in forward
    selected_action = distr.sample()
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,001ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,001ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]:   File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/extscache/omni.pip.torch-2_0_1-2.0.2+105.1.lx64/torch-2-0-1/torch/distributions/", line 70, in sample
    return torch.normal(self.loc.expand(shape), self.scale.expand(shape))

  File "/home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/extscache/omni.pip.torch-2_0_1-2.0.2+105.1.lx64/torch-2-0-1/torch/distributions/", line 70, in sample
    return torch.normal(self.loc.expand(shape), self.scale.expand(shape))
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,001ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,001ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: RuntimeError: normal expects all elements of std >= 0.0

RuntimeError: normal expects all elements of std >= 0.0
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,001ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,001ms] [Error] [] [py stderr]: 
Set the environment variable HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 for a complete stack trace.

Set the environment variable HYDRA_FULL_ERROR=1 for a complete stack trace.
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,201ms] [Warning] [omni.stageupdate.plugin] Deprecated: direct use of IStageUpdate callbacks is deprecated. Use IStageUpdate::getStageUpdate instead.
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,262ms] [Warning] [] 1 contexts were leaked
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,307ms] [Warning] [carb] Recursive unloadAllPlugins() detected!
2024-02-05 15:35:47 [10,897,336ms] [Warning] [omni.core.ITypeFactory] Module /home/user/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2023.1.1/kit/exts/omni.activity.core/bin/ remained loaded after unload request.
There was an error running python

It seems random. Sometimes I train for 200 iterations and the error appears, sometimes it appears after thousands of iterations, and sometimes It does never appear.

The error seems to appear less when running with fewer envs. My guess is that some robot pose trigger some invalid math operation in torch and trigger the error, But I have no clue how to solve it.

I get the same error in Isaac 2023.0.1-hotfix and Isaac 2023.1.1. The same error in two different machines:

Machine 1: Kubuntu 22.04 RTX A5000 24Gb Vram NVIDIA-SMI 525.147.05 Driver Version: 525.147.05 CUDA Version: 12.0

Machine 2: Kubuntu 22.04 RTX 3080 16GB Vram NVIDIA-SMI 545.23.08 Driver Version: 545.23.08 CUDA Version: 12.3

I tried adding some checks to prevent the error, but it did not help, and I never fall in the implemented conditions:

    def pre_physics_step(self, actions) -> None:
        if not
        reset_env_ids = self.reset_buf.nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(-1)
        if len(reset_env_ids) > 0:

        # Actions are assumed to be in the range [-1, 1], which will be scaled to the joint limits
        self.actions = actions.clone().to(self._device)

        # Ensure no NaN or Inf values
        if torch.any(torch.isnan(self.actions)) or torch.any(torch.isinf(self.actions)):
            carb.log_error("NaN or Inf in actions tensor")
def get_observations(self) -> dict:


    if torch.isnan(self.obs_buf).any():
                print("NaN found in obs_buf")

            if torch.isinf(self.obs_buf).any():
                print("Inf found in obs_buf")

            return observations

Any ideas?


larsrpe commented 7 months ago

The problem can be related to numerical instabilities in the physics simulation. Try to reduce the time step or increase the number of iterations.

If this does not work a quick is to make sure you never return a observation with nans, i.e set the nan values to 0. Training wise you can threat this as a termination condition and reset the envs that have nan values.

Hopefully the agent will learn not to enter these "nan prone"states.

eferreirafilho commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the help. It did not solve it, but I think now it's happening less.

I have added this to the end of get_observations:

        if torch.isnan(self.obs_buf).any():
            print("NaN found in obs_buf, replacing with zeros")
            self.obs_buf = torch.where(torch.isnan(self.obs_buf), torch.zeros_like(self.obs_buf), self.obs_buf)

        if torch.isinf(self.obs_buf).any():
            print("Inf found in obs_buf, replacing with zeros")
            self.obs_buf = torch.where(torch.isinf(self.obs_buf), torch.zeros_like(self.obs_buf), self.obs_buf)

        return observations

and this to the reset conditions:

  def is_done(self) -> None:
        # Check if the episode has reached its maximum length
        self.reset_buf = torch.where(self.progress_buf >= self._max_episode_length, torch.ones_like(self.reset_buf), self.reset_buf)

        # Termination condition for NaN values in observations
        # Check for any NaNs in the observations buffer
        if torch.isnan(self.obs_buf).any():
            print("NaN detected in observations, triggering reset.")
            # Set all entries in the reset buffer to 1 to indicate reset is needed
            self.reset_buf = torch.ones_like(self.reset_buf)

        # handle Inf values similarly
        if torch.isinf(self.obs_buf).any():
            print("Inf detected in observations, triggering reset.")
            self.reset_buf = torch.ones_like(self.reset_buf)