isaac-sim / OmniIsaacGymEnvs

Reinforcement Learning Environments for Omniverse Isaac Gym
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How can I change the default nucleus server? #142

Open kim4375731 opened 4 months ago

kim4375731 commented 4 months ago

I setup the OmniIsaacGymEnvs repo as docker container in a remote server. The server does not have internet connection.

I instantiated with the container with following command:

docker run --privileged --name isaac-sim --entrypoint bash -it -d --gpus all -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" --network=host \
-v ${PWD}:/workspace/omniisaacgymenvs \
-v ~/docker_rsc/isaac-sim/cache/kit:/isaac-sim/kit/cache:rw \
-v ~/docker_rsc/isaac-sim/cache/ov:/root/.cache/ov:rw \
-v ~/docker_rsc/isaac-sim/cache/pip:/root/.cache/pip:rw \
-v ~/docker_rsc/isaac-sim/cache/glcache:/root/.cache/nvidia/GLCache:rw \
-v ~/docker_rsc/isaac-sim/cache/computecache:/root/.nv/ComputeCache:rw \
-v ~/docker_rsc/isaac-sim/logs:/root/.nvidia-omniverse/logs:rw \
-v ~/docker_rsc/isaac-sim/data:/root/.local/share/ov/data:rw \
-v ~/docker_rsc/isaac-sim/documents:/root/Documents:rw \
-e "OMNI_SERVER=omniverse://localhost/MyNVIDIA/Assets/Isaac/2023.1.1" \
-e "OMNI_USER=omniverse" -e "OMNI_PASS=omniverse" \

The thing is, when running PYTHON_PATH, the script tries to connect AWS server (omniverse://localhost/NVIDIA), not OMNI_SERVER I set as default server path as above command. Then the error occurs at check_server function in omni.isaac.core/omni/isaac/core/utils/

The workaround I found was like this:

I referred this thread for the setting:

Is this the only workaround for ones without internet connection, or is there any more generic approach?

Anyway, thank you very much for the awesome work!