isaacg1 / pyth

Pyth, an extremely concise language. Try it here:
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Feature Request: A lot of them #224

Open DonaldTsang opened 7 years ago

DonaldTsang commented 7 years ago

Methods for saving space: Compress long integer variable into larger bases and removing trailing zeros Long string or byte data compression using LZMA, uncompressed when used Multiple formats of Base62 and Base64 (common and URL-safe) Python-compatible Base85 Base91

Fractions and Complex math:

Angular divisions (assuming degrees are default):

Base conversion and Logarithm:


Matrix addition, multiplication, modulo, inverses and shifting rows or columns

Possible shortcuts for symmetric cryptography: AES-style S-box support for cryptographic hashes and ciphers Example hashes: SHA2, Groestl, Skein, BLAKE/BLAKE2 Possible cipher support: AES, Serpent, Twofish, Camellia

Possible shortcuts for prime number cryptography: Finding the next or last N primes of a number Generating a list of random primes between M and N Euler totient function or Carmichael's totient function Check if a list of numbers is pair-wise or group-wise coprime

Possible shortcuts for error correction and image generation: Creating gif, jpg and png from an array of integers with optional color dictionary Reed–Solo mon error correction when provided data and amount of error tolerance Binary hamming error-correction provided dimensions, and Golay error correction Example: Example:

Other references for what features we could copy from other languages:

DonaldTsang commented 7 years ago

Also for Number theory

isaacg1 commented 7 years ago

Since each feature implemented is a significant amount of work, and uses up symbols, I'm only going to consider implementing features where either there's a challenge it would have helped on, or via a pull request.

DonaldTsang commented 6 years ago

For Kronecker symbol (the person golfing it is using Pyth as a base)