isaackogan / TikTokLive

Python library to receive live stream events (comments, gifts, etc.) in realtime from TikTok LIVE.
MIT License
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Getting error after inherit in latest package(version-6.0.3) #198

Closed masumr closed 1 month ago

masumr commented 2 months ago

We can import TikTokLiveClient and inherit of this class in our own class like as image

image After the in this so, we are getting error on the Connect event, error snapshot is given below-


Package Version

My version of TikTokLive is 6.0.3

Operating System


isaackogan commented 2 months ago

you have not given enough code, i can't reproduce with what you have provided.

masumr commented 2 months ago

@isaackogan, here is my full code

from re import Match
from abc import ABC

from TikTokLive.client.client import TikTokLiveClient
from import ConnectEvent, DisconnectEvent, LiveEndEvent
from import proto_events, custom_events

import re

    proto_events.JoinEvent, proto_events.LikeEvent, proto_events.GiftEvent,
    proto_events.EnvelopeEvent, proto_events.SubscribeEvent, custom_events.FollowEvent,
    custom_events.ShareEvent, proto_events.EmoteChatEvent

LIVE_URL_REGEX = re.compile('^https?://(www\\.)?tiktok\\.com/@([^/]+)/live$')

def extract_unique_id(stream_url: str):
    match: Match = LIVE_URL_REGEX.match(stream_url)
    if match:
        return match.groups()[-1]
    return None

class TikTokLiveStreamIterator(TikTokLiveClient):
    def __init__(self, stream_url: str, **options):
        TikTokLiveClient.__init__(self, unique_id=stream_url)
        self.on(ConnectEvent, self._process_connect_event)
        self.on(DisconnectEvent, self._process_disconnect_event)
        self.on(LiveEndEvent, self._process_live_end_event)

        for message_event in HANDLED_MESSAGE_EVENTS:
            self.on(message_event, self._process_message_event)

    async def _process_connect_event(self, event: ConnectEvent):
        from datetime import datetime
        output_path = f"{event.unique_id}-{datetime.utcnow()}.mp4"
        from TikTokLive.client.web.routes.fetch_video import VideoFetchQuality

        print(f"Client connected.")

    async def _process_disconnect_event(self, event: DisconnectEvent):
        if self.web.fetch_video.is_recording:

        print(f"Client disconnected!")

    async def _process_live_end_event(self, event: LiveEndEvent):
        print(f"Stream ended.")

    async def _process_message_event(self, event):
        print(f"\n\n**********************--- {event.get_type().lower()}  ---******************************")
        except Exception as e:

    async def start(self) -> None:
        print(f"Starting iterator for unique id: {self.unique_id}.")
        await TikTokLiveClient.start(self, fetch_room_info=True)

    async def stop(self) -> None:
        print(f"Stopping iterator for unique id: {self.unique_id}.")
        await TikTokLiveClient.disconnect(self)
        print(f"Stopped iterator for unique id: {self.unique_id}.")

    def can_monitor_stream_url(cls, stream_url: str):
        return LIVE_URL_REGEX.match(stream_url) is not None

import asyncio

async def main():
    tt = TikTokLiveStreamIterator('')
    await tt.start()
    await asyncio.sleep(60)
    await tt.stop()
isaackogan commented 2 months ago

Okay, so basically for the pattern you are trying to accomplish you should use client.add_listener and not client.on as that was intended strictly a decorator.

It's a little complicated why it doesn't work...I guess technically speaking it is a bug, but it was never intended to be used the way you did, so not sure if I should call it that.

I can support it being used functionally like that in the future, but for now, use the intended client.add_listener instead and it works :)

masumr commented 2 months ago

So, in this file TikTokLive/client/ code update in function add_listener

    def add_listener(self, event: Type[Event], f: EventHandler) -> Handler:
        Method that can be used to register a Python function as an event listener

        :param event: The event to listen to
        :param f: The function to handle the event
        :return: The generated `pyee.Handler` object

        if isinstance(event, str):
            return super().add_listener(event=event, f=f)

        return super().add_listener(event=event.get_type(), f=f)

And this change works for me, could you please update this change in you package?

masumr commented 2 months ago

Okay, Thank you, used add_listener and solved this issue.

isaackogan commented 2 months ago

Going to keep this open until I add the 'fix' for the way you were trying to do it.

I think your solution is fine, can you make a pull request?

masumr commented 2 months ago

Thank you for your compliment, Pull request is here -pull-request

isaackogan commented 1 month ago
