isaackogan / TikTokLive

Python library to receive live stream events (comments, gifts, etc.) in realtime from TikTok LIVE.
MIT License
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a complete example? livestream recording and chat events when a user is live? #241

Open vioan opened 1 month ago

vioan commented 1 month ago


First, thank you very much for the great library, is really useful and I also enjoy the other projects which are using your library.

As you have examples about "check if a user is live", "writing comments and gifts in a file", and "record the livestream", I am asking why don't you just provide a complete example which is monitoring 24/7 if a user is live (maybe 2-3 mins between checks) and if user is live to record the livestream and in the same time write the corresponding chat events (comments, gifts, ...) in a .txt file, next to the recording?

This will also help your library to grow, as recording the livestream AND the chat events is something what a lot of users are asking in those two projects:

which do the livestream recording but not the chat events.

Thanks a lot!

isaackogan commented 1 month ago

Open to the idea, but it's hard to justify the time.

I have no personal use for this project, so I have no solid reason to do it.

Will pin, if anyone wants to contribute funding towards the goal, hit me up & we can build this.

It's about 10 hours work for me given my knowledge from start-to-finish to do what you are suggesting.