isaaclyman / novel-word-count-obsidian

Obsidian plugin. Displays a word count or other statistic for each file, folder and vault in the File Explorer pane.
MIT License
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Conflict with the Iconize plugin #86

Closed S1rDev10us closed 2 months ago

S1rDev10us commented 2 months ago


When using the obsidian Iconize plugin, the icon from that plugin goes onto a different line when changing alignment to below.

With align right image

With align below image

The problem appears to be that when alignment is set to below, flex-wrap is set to wrap which not only wraps the novel word count but also the Iconize icon Code link

.novel-word-count--folder-below .nav-files-container .nav-folder-title {
    flex-wrap: wrap;


Tested on Windows

isaaclyman commented 2 months ago

Yeah, this might be an intractable problem. Compatibility with every other plugin isn't a realistic goal for NWC, especially when a plugin modifies the file explorer like this - I don't foresee an easy way to wrap those elements without affecting the icons.

S1rDev10us commented 2 months ago

Thanks for taking a look. I thought it would be worth leaving an issue just in case but if you can't think of a solution that's not a problem, I can just use the right aligned view like I was before