isaacs / github

Just a place to track issues and feature requests that I have for github
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support uploading RTF for attachments to issues (as well as images) #164

Open jmtd opened 10 years ago

jmtd commented 10 years ago

Kudos for hosting this unofficial tracker!

I've just submitted an issue on something hosted on github. I wanted to attach some console output that included coloured text. I ended up screens hotting the terminal and attaching that screenshot. However, on a Mac at least, you can copy and paste terminal text from into TextEdit and it retains all the formatting properly. TextEdit writes RTFs. It would be nice if you could attach RTFs to issues, as a smaller file size, more accurate reproduction of console output, that is also searchable.

lloydwatkin commented 10 years ago

Wouldn't a linked gist be more appropriate? I hate getting issues with huge dumps of console text.

jmtd commented 10 years ago

You cannot paste ANSI terminal output into a gist without losing information, so no, a gist would not be more appropriate for the use-case I was describing. Gists seem great for code, not so great for UI grabs. These can be addressed by attaching images, which is already possible, but larger and less useable than an RTF UI dump for a console application.

I hate getting issues with huge dumps of console text.

I can't speak for your personal preferences but I dislike having inline console dumps in issues myself, largely because they are hard to separate out from the text around them and hard to read because they lack information that may have been present in the original output. Information such as curses decorations or coloured or emboldened sections. All of these problems would be resolved to my satisfaction by RTF attachments.