isaacs / github

Just a place to track issues and feature requests that I have for github
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Insert automatically generated table of contents TOC on rendered markdown files like #215

Closed cirosantilli closed 3 years ago

cirosantilli commented 10 years ago

Edit March 2021: GitHub now added a workaround mentioned at: That is a good step, but I'll keep this open until they actually add a way to add it inside the rendered output (which can be e.g. searched more easily with Ctrl+F).

When I see a manually generated table of contents, it makes me sad.

When I see a huge README that is impossible to navigate without it, it makes me even sadder.

LaTeX has it. Gollum has it. Pandoc has it. So why not GFM?

There are some tools that automate the generation, but they're just an ugly hack:

Now the bitter part: what syntax to use?

Whatever is chosen, it should be a standard way to extend Markdown, so that other extensions can be added later on.

One possibility is to use Kramdown extension syntax and insert the TOC with {:toc max_level=3 }.

Redcarpet already has a command that generates the TOC: Redcarpet::Render::HTML_TOC, but no way to insert it, and no standard way to extend markdown.

Same for GitLab:

StackOverflow: 66 upvotes as of 2014-06:

There is an issue for the library GitHub uses to render markdown at:

Steven! Ragnarök replied with the neutral:

Thanks for the suggestion and links. I'll add it to our internal feature request list for the team to see.


I got tired of waiting and started using Asciidoc. I recommend it, the format is really good. Just look at the typographical beauty of this:

captn3m0 commented 10 years ago

You can automatically generate TOC via There is also an npm package available here to do it on the command line.

But yes, these are ultimately just manual methods because you need to manually copy and paste the TOC into the markdown. But one benefit of it is that the toc is maintained everwhere, even across apps that don't use GFM for rendering.

cirosantilli commented 10 years ago

I hope GitHub fix some standard extension syntax, possibly backing up Kramdown's, and potentially settle the existing extension mess with it's influence.

ekalinin commented 10 years ago

Here's my try to solve this issue without any addional software (on linux) — github-markdown-toc

quasipedia commented 9 years ago


ezequielgarcia commented 9 years ago


robbyoconnor commented 9 years ago


maxlinc commented 9 years ago

Another workaround...

Although I'd like to see TOC support in GFM, if you want TOC's rendered by GitHub today than you could switch to asciidoc. Asciidoc has built-in support for TOC, and with the right options it will be rendered by GitHub.

I'm a fan of Markdown so I'm hesitant to asciidoc, but the article on Living the Future of Technical Writing by GitHub's @schacon, which talks about switching from Markdown to Asciidoc, has made willing to consider the jump. There's also several other features other features in asciidoc-samples - besides TOC - that don't seem to have working GFM equivalents. Footnotes, for example.

If you want give asciidoc a shot, you can use pandoc to convert your existing markdown:

pandoc -t asciidoc -f markdown > README.asciidoc
cirosantilli commented 9 years ago

@maxlinc thanks a lot for the schacon link! I was really curious to why he used Asciidoc on Pro Git 2.

quasipedia commented 9 years ago

@maxlinc - I subscribe the thanksgiving by cirosantilli! :+1:

mikecharles commented 9 years ago

@ekalinin I suppose this won't work for private repos?

ekalinin commented 9 years ago

@ekalinin I suppose this won't work for private repos?

@mike-charles yes, unfortunately github-markdown-toc won't work for private repos

sv3ndk commented 9 years ago


mockitoguy commented 9 years ago


Manuzor commented 9 years ago


joeyu commented 9 years ago

+1 No offline approaches are preferred than the GH online dynamic generation of TOC, as all offline approaches will be a burden and hard to maintain the TOC correctly.

ErikMHummel commented 9 years ago


MikeyBurkman commented 9 years ago

Why does a solution have to extend markdown?

@ekalinin's code can already create a ToC markdown file, so GH could just generate a new ToC on every change to, and display that file on the project's homepage above the real Everyone gets a ToC for free with their files (and presumably can opt-in/out if they wish) without changing a single line of code.

quasipedia commented 9 years ago

Why does a solution have to extend markdown?

@MikeyBurkman - It does not need to, but if it did it, it would become part of the specification, and all libraries that works against that specification would support it (e.g.: github-markdown preview of the readme file in your IDE/editor of choice).

Preview of the TOC is important: on large documents is easy to get the levels wrong, for example.

guillaume-alvarez commented 9 years ago


jon-hanson commented 9 years ago


eidng8 commented 9 years ago


MikeyBurkman commented 9 years ago

@quasipedia Surely you aren't saying that the necessity of a preview tool is a good reason to change the MD spec! That's like saying that not having some MD tool installed on my computer means I can't edit MD. Github already have a MD preview tool... just extend it to also preview the TOC.

As for external tools: the script to generate TOC from MD is publicly available. They can integrate if and when they want, and that integration would not be much different than supporting another MD spec. Only now your tools have to adjust, not every single user.

quasipedia commented 9 years ago

@MikeyBurkman - Surely you aren't saying that improving on standards is bad! ;)

Seriously: I can't but repeat myself: the solution does not need to extentd MD. GitHub has a history of creating standards that are to all effects "forks" of previously existing ones (GFM, TOML...). Since GFM is already a different standard than MD, and since GitHub is its creator and maintainer, it wouldn't surprise me if they would implement the TOC as part if it...

...but if that doesn't happen, I am just fine! :)

adamjgrant commented 9 years ago


dreamcat4 commented 9 years ago


Have tried MarkdownTOC for sublime text today. Which might have been a alternative but sadly it doesn't work nearly well enough. No links and seems broken as it doesn't parse my markdown headings correctly.

[EDIT] npm install -g doctor && doctoc . is good though not integrated into ST. Probably worth making a ST command entry for it.

adamjgrant commented 9 years ago

FWIW, I made this.

Obviously, it won't work with github readme files, but for any other markdown content that needs a TOC and can run JS...

bumbu commented 9 years ago


robsterlini commented 9 years ago


martinheidegger commented 9 years ago


sherdeadlock commented 9 years ago


wilsonmar commented 9 years ago


apjanke commented 9 years ago


AndyWendt commented 9 years ago


v0lkan commented 9 years ago

Bump :+1:

idelvall commented 9 years ago


dreamcat4 commented 9 years ago

Just going to repeat myself here, and say that github should adopt the doctoc tool for auto-generating TOCs in markdown files. It's the best one available out there.

AndyWendt commented 9 years ago

@dreamcat4 ditto here

sc0ttkclark commented 9 years ago


jsaz commented 9 years ago


np422 commented 9 years ago


JeremyCaney commented 9 years ago


dscho commented 9 years ago

My colleague @schmiedc and I have created a GreaseMonkey script that installs a new TOC button left of the h1 button which uses the excellent markdown-js library to add/refresh a table of contents.

The advantage over solutions like doctoc is that it integrates into GitHub's wiki editor and does not need users to work on their command-line (and require users to install tools like node.js). In Chrome, it works by drag 'n dropping into the Extensions page, in Firefox you will need to install the GreaseMonkey extension.

It will work with plain markdown (i.e. it does not handle code blocks correctly, as that is a GitHub extension to markdown). Contributions welcome.

bumbu commented 9 years ago

@dscho does it work only with wiki pages or with any markdown file?

dscho commented 9 years ago

@bumbu we specifically designed it to trigger only when the user edits wiki pages. But it should be really trivial to adjust by appending appropriate @include lines and extending this regular expression to accept more URLs than the "edit wiki page" ones.

Why not give it a shot yourself? As I mentioned, contributions are warmly welcomed.

dmitrizagidulin commented 9 years ago


s-ol commented 9 years ago


abalmos commented 9 years ago


pepaslabs commented 9 years ago


ekalinin commented 9 years ago

@ekalinin I suppose this won't work for private repos?

@mike-charles yes, unfortunately github-markdown-toc won't work for private repos

@mike-charles just added an ability to work with local markdown files. So seems it may work with private repos.

mikecharles commented 9 years ago

@ekalinin thanks!