isaacs / github

Just a place to track issues and feature requests that I have for github
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Ability to Watch a project but only for releases #410

Closed schrepfler closed 6 years ago

schrepfler commented 9 years ago

I'm often interested in watching a project but I'm not really interested in all the conversations and issues it might have, I'm mostly interested in releases coming out. Would it be possible to have more options under the Watch project button?

Ardakilic commented 6 years ago

@markg85 Why would OP or repo owner close and give up on this, because GitHub doesn't care, or has not implemented this yet ?

MV10 commented 6 years ago

FYI, this isn't an "official" github repo of any kind. Take a look at the readme, the owner just tracks github requests of interest here.

I know people have contacted github about it in the past (apparently you have to send an email, github has no repo we can get to), but I kind of doubt this specific issue thread is on their radar.

markg85 commented 6 years ago

@Ardakilic I'm sorry, i didn't read apparently. I came here searching for a way to monitor releases in a github repo. I blindly assumed this issue to be a feature request for github itself. Sorry for that, i removed my message :)

pyatyispyatil commented 6 years ago

Hey guys! I wrote a bot for this issue for telegram. It is notify across 5 minutes after publication of the new release or tag with full changelog. This tool is not so stable, but in any case you can try to use it:

vikaspotluri123 commented 6 years ago

In addition to @gloooom's bot, you can also use IFTTT until this (hopefully) gets implemented natively! Github creates an atom feed for a projects releases using the username/repo/releases.atom schema (for example, Atom's release feed can be found at

I've successfully used the rss feed as the if parameter and email as the then parameter to get notified when projects get new releases πŸ˜„

Not sure if Zapier supports something like this

phil294 commented 6 years ago

If you combine an RSS feed (like with an email subscription service like, this will do exactly what you desire.

warudin commented 6 years ago

This is still not possible on GitHub itself? That seems like a pretty big shortcoming to me, I would love such a feature.

guirto commented 6 years ago

An RSS feed for subscribing to a project release would be really cool.

This is possible already. For example go to, have a look in the html source of the page. Search for .atom and you will find urls to feeds:

So you get a feed with releases with a url like:

Thanks, man. Added to Thunderbird. Never gonna miss another release.

jlsjonas commented 6 years ago

Too bad so much open source still relies on Github; switched to GitLab a long time ago for lack of default features (amongst other things)

axi92 commented 6 years ago does a good job!

dapengzhang0 commented 6 years ago

Now github has the ability to Watch a project for release only! I think the issue can be closed.

dalDevelo commented 6 years ago

It's LIVE! πŸ‘πŸΌ

Croydon commented 6 years ago


becca commented 6 years ago

πŸ‘‹ there! thank you all so much for posting this issue and providing great detail to help us deliver this feature.

excited to continue delivering more of the features you need in the new year!

AlexWayfer commented 6 years ago

Is there any possibility to auto-watch for releases in starred projects?…

schrepfler commented 6 years ago


joehillen commented 6 years ago

What's the CC name for release email notifications?

rubaboo commented 6 years ago



jonashaag commented 6 years ago

This is a Puppeteer script I've used for automatically converting starred repositories to Release-only watched repositories.

const child_process = require('child_process')
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
const devices = require('puppeteer/DeviceDescriptors')
const iPhone = devices['iPhone 6']

const USER = 'youruser'
const PW = 'xxxxxx'

// Get starred repos
let page = 1
let urls = []
while (1) {
  const cmd = `curl -s "${USER}/starred?per_page=100&page=${page}"`
  res = JSON.parse(child_process.execSync(cmd))
  if (!res.length) break
  for (let r in res) {

// Update to release-only
(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch()
  const page = await browser.newPage()
  await page.emulate(iPhone)
  await page.goto('')
  await page.type('[name=login]', USER)
  await page.type('[name=password]', PW)
  setTimeout(async () => {
    for (let url of urls) {
      await page.goto(url)
      if (await page.$('[value=included].selected')) {
    await browser.close()
  }, 1000)
jonashaag commented 6 years ago

It doesn't look like GitHub's API supports Release-only subscriptions at this point.

ghadly commented 6 years ago

πŸŽ‰ it's now live, Good job github 😍 screenshot 2018-11-28 at 10 46 08

xgdgsc commented 6 years ago

Hope we can watch only stable releases, not those pre-releases.

JensSpanier commented 6 years ago

Where can I see the repositories I'm currently watching (releases only)? doesn't list those repositories.

panvid commented 6 years ago

Same question for me: I can't see repos which I only watch the releases. :/

Another point: Only watching to releases throws me out of the "how many people watch this release" amount. That is not that good for smaller projects, which have benefit from this type of "reputation".

MartinX3 commented 6 years ago

@dpauli Yes, so I star every project, I want to watch for releases.

janos commented 6 years ago

@xgdgsc apparently there is not much control or even visibility (@Virinum @dpauli) which project releases are watched. There is also a problem with projects that mark releases only with tags. NewReleases gives a bit more control to exclude pre-releases, even filter versions with regexes to exclude annoying frequent alpha/beta/rc/dev versions, however they are annotated. And also it sends notifications for tags. It still does not solve the reputation problem, though.

lukastribus commented 6 years ago

Watching should also include release notifications. This is currently not the case, so you get every single message in issues and PR's, but no release notification :(

jonashaag commented 6 years ago

This has to be the most badly designed GitHub feature ever :(

schrepfler commented 6 years ago

Really guys, please open a different issue, most of us are happy with this.

schittli commented 5 years ago

It's crazy how fast the Microsoft Spirit took place. It's a shame: every hobby programmer Github notification alternative is much more powerful and useful. Maybe M$ could think about buying peoples, as they already have the service.

It's great that we still have great alternatives.

schrepfler commented 5 years ago

I submitted the issue, I'm happy with the issue. The issue is closed. If you don't like it, submit a separate issue.

mackelito commented 5 years ago

We should be able to get Notifications on both releases and issue updates... Perhaps have watch on a file? would work for most of my cases :)

beruic commented 5 years ago

@mackelito as @schrepfler wrote: "The issue is closed. If you don't like it, submit a separate issue."

mackelito commented 5 years ago

@mackelito as @schrepfler wrote: "The issue is closed. If you don't like it, submit a separate issue."

πŸ™„... ...But yes.. you are correct (you smartypants you πŸ˜‰)

dimisjim commented 5 years ago

I get no email notification for a new release :( even though I am watching only for releases :(

AlexWayfer commented 5 years ago

I get no email notification for a new release :( even though I am watching only for releases :(

This issue is feature request. The feature is working for the most of people. So, you had better to write to support.

multlurk commented 4 years ago

Please fix this issue "Without adding a message to the release, it only counts as a "tag" and not as a full release". So I do not receive notifications for projects that do not contain a release message in their releases.

beruic commented 4 years ago

@multlurk IMHO it seems like something you should create a new issue for

multlurk commented 4 years ago

@beruic done

core-code commented 4 years ago

can we please have another Atom feed that excludes pre-release releases?

James-E-A commented 4 years ago

This has never worked right for me as-implemented by GH.

Why did you shut your service down before verifying its replacement's suitability, @Richard87??

Ardakilic commented 4 years ago

There's another service called ReleaseBell: , I haven't actually checked though, saw on awesome-selfhosted repository.

However, I still use my self-hosted tool, AlertHub, on a cheap VPS without issues: . I get email and push notifications on the releases I set.

AlexWayfer commented 4 years ago

Why did you shut your service down before verifying its replacement's suitability, @Richard87??

Look at

I'm still using it for projects which use tags without GitHub Releases.

captn3m0 commented 4 years ago

@core-code You can run an existing feed with the RSS-Bridge Filter (as a rudimentary Yahoo pipe) to filter out the pre-releases.

My public rss-bridge server has the filter bridge enabled for eg:

As an example:

Edit: This is a hack. Would love if GitHub actually supported different release feeds.

core-code commented 4 years ago

@captn3m0 this only works for repositories which consistently tag their pre-releases with "alpha" or "beta". the GitHub Atom feed doesn't even contain the information whether a release is a pre-release. therefore there is no general way to filter all pre-releases. a solution would entail GitHub adding the pre-release status annotation to the feed or creating additional feeds.

azban commented 4 years ago

this is now available under watch -> custom -> releases

core-code commented 4 years ago

nice, but this doesn't address the Atom feed issue

James-E-A commented 4 years ago

Really guys, please open a different issue, most of us are happy with this.

@schrepfler Pardon…?

It literally doesn't work. I have not got ONE release notification since Releaser closed down, despite the following being set:


schrepfler commented 4 years ago

Really guys, please open a different issue, most of us are happy with this.

@schrepfler Pardon…?

It literally doesn't work. I have not got ONE release notification since Releaser closed down, despite the following being set:


Maybe it's something about how you perform the release. It works for me image

Croydon commented 4 years ago

This is not a new feature. It is available since November 2018

As other people already pointed out, if you want further improvement you should reach out to GitHub Support or at least open a new issue here or post in the GitHub forum.

Continuing to post here well have zero effects. I'm going to unsubscribe from this issue now too.