isaacs / github

Just a place to track issues and feature requests that I have for github
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Be able to attach issues and merge requests to multiple milestones #441

Open gatsoulis opened 9 years ago

gatsoulis commented 9 years ago

It would be useful to be able to attach issues and merge requests to multiple milestones.

A similar issue with discussions has also been created for gitlab (see here).

Anyone else thinks it would be useful?

Tejeev commented 9 years ago

Very much so.

mfine commented 9 years ago


arbourd commented 8 years ago


adambair commented 8 years ago

Migrating from Pivotal Tracker -- this would be quite useful. We have tickets that are dependencies for multiple epics/milestones -- it would be nice have multiple milestones on a ticket instead of having to dig down for related.

This can be accomplished with tags, but it might be nicer to have multiple milestones for added tracking ability.

TheGrandmother commented 8 years ago

It would be awesome!

lxjuly commented 8 years ago

Very much need this feature!

burtonator commented 8 years ago

Do want.. .

bennycoomans commented 8 years ago

At my company, we are investigating the possibility to use GitHub or some other online repository hosting website. We currently use self-hosted Trac and SVN servers, but it would be great if we could combine source code hosting and issue tracking in a single software tool. One of the major limitations of GitHub is that there is no sane way to attach an issue to multiple milestones.

We release a 'major' version of our software every quarter (e.g. versions 1, 2, 3, ...). Weekly, we release 'minor' versions that mostly fix bugs (e.g. versions 2.2, 2.3, 3.2). When we fix a bug, this means it gets fixed in the next major version (e.g. version 4), but also in minor versions (e.g. 2.3 and 3.2). This is because the upgrade path to a new major version is sometimes too complex to quickly do at a customer site, but we want them to work with a version that does not contain this bug. We need a way to administer this correctly. Using labels is not the way to go as far as I'm concerned. Because we often release 2 or 3 versions every week, I'm expecting the number of labels to grow beyond control. Besides, we need to be able to have a nice chronological list of releases (milestones) where we can easily see which release contains which bugfixes. I don't think that that is possible when using labels.

JoshuaGross commented 8 years ago


AssemblyX commented 8 years ago

Puzzling how this was overseen!? Any idea if they are looking into fixing this issue?

smiller171 commented 8 years ago

:+1: Sprint Milestones and Epic Milestones nested within each other is needed functionality for us to switch to using GitHub issues

pedromfs-zz commented 8 years ago

+1 on this. We're trying to sort an agile workflow for my company and this is the only thing missing for using GitHub for everything. In the meanwhile we're limited to labels and the API to group this information.

ali5ter commented 8 years ago


badvision commented 6 years ago

A thousand times yes -- why is this still not a thing? ;)

fuzzyweapon commented 6 years ago

It's pretty critical to see how something is tracking towards a smaller iteration (sprint) and a larger iteration (major release). Currently Projects are difficult for sprints because you have to remake the columns every single time. Milestones would be perfect if you could attach an issue to multiple ones because then you could easily see what is done towards the big goal and the smaller goals. This could then be extrapolated for various development methods: Agile (sprint, epics, releases), Waterfall, etc.

pdachtera commented 6 years ago


Very much needed to attach a PR to multiple separate releases. Like a single fix being a part of two or more customized builds.

doctorleff commented 6 years ago

Our "tax model" is used in two different participatory democracy programs. Thus, fixes to this tax model must be done before either can go live. Thus, please add my 👍

xuther commented 6 years ago

+1 We're using milestones to denote projects, but often there are tasks that affect multiple projects. We'd love the ability to track that task in both places.

ivosabev commented 6 years ago

+1 for multiple milestones. An issue could be in "Sprint 51" and "Version 2.0". And "Version 2.0" could be a result of multiple Sprints.

sirexeclp commented 6 years ago


clausjensen commented 6 years ago


jorge-sanz commented 6 years ago


touficbatache commented 6 years ago


clitetailor commented 5 years ago

This issue need a milestone! 🤣 Actually i feel not so good ask Github to do whatever i want! 🤔 Maybe we need to find a way to contributing to it somehow! 💖

slagelwa commented 5 years ago


pdulvp commented 5 years ago

Any update on this issue ?

JanNash commented 4 years ago


speakingcode commented 4 years ago

+1. We would like to be able to group issues according to sprint, release, and epic. Being able to associate multiple milestones to an issue would make the milestones feature a one-size fits all for this kind of dynamic grouping.

What I'm doing now for epics is making a "meta issue" for the epic itself, and referencing it in the "sub issues" that make up the epic. This tracks the relationship but lacks the automatic progress watching and filtering capabilities of Milestones, and it creates extra artifacts (the meta issues) and overhead in managing the issue relationships. It's not ideal and I don't want to introduce this same pattern for tracking sprints or releases.

we4sel commented 4 years ago


tlrasor commented 4 years ago


MGZero commented 4 years ago


j-rp commented 4 years ago

Agreed on the multiple milestone usage. I use multiple milestones to track progress at both an overall level and a more granular level, and judging from the flurry of comments here I'm not the only one. Using labels is not as good because usage of the milestone gives me a general sense of completion and progress, whereas to do the same with labels I need to do a whole bunch of manual querying + coalescing vs. it just "being there".

ericbutz commented 4 years ago


timur-friedman commented 4 years ago


DevAndArtist commented 4 years ago

@nat worth pushing next? We really need some kind of sprint support on GitHub.

liamsharp commented 4 years ago

Having exactly the same issues as others here - we need to track an issue being fixed in a point release, and the next major release.

katieefrey commented 3 years ago

I would also like to be able to assign multiple milestones to a single issue.

rickygv99 commented 3 years ago

I have this issue as well -- would be great to see this made possible!

craigboger commented 3 years ago

I would also like this feature. Still trying to learn GitHub project tools for agile project management. Looks like you're supposed to use Milestones as "issue containers". I guess milestones could be accomplishments of major versions and then use labels for sprints?

etanshaul commented 3 years ago

Would be very helpful. We use milestones to track release milestones as well as for issue hotlists, and there is overlap of course. Milestones are useful for this grouping and the ability to stack rank items (which is not possible with only labels).

detb commented 3 years ago

Would love this feature

sonttran commented 3 years ago

Any updates?

ultrafro commented 3 years ago

this would be dope!

HarrisonMayotte commented 3 years ago

Bump! I also have this issue and would love to be able to assign to multiple milestones.

idesai commented 3 years ago

+1 This will be a useful feature. Thank you.

im-ade commented 3 years ago

+1 please add this.

sleberknight commented 3 years ago


gigo1980 commented 3 years ago


ZoltanT-RD commented 3 years ago


victorlcampos commented 3 years ago
