isaacs / github

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show git tags in network graph #475

Open thkoch2001 opened 8 years ago

thkoch2001 commented 8 years ago

It's easier to get an orientation in the network graph if it would also show git tags.

cfarrington commented 8 years ago

+1 There's already a keystroke for toggling the branch labels ('t', unfortunately); there could be another one for toggling tags.

gleehokie commented 8 years ago

+1 I too would like to be able to see the tags which is how we label our releases in git.

wangkuiyi commented 8 years ago


dejamic commented 8 years ago


glynhudson commented 8 years ago


pstkweb commented 8 years ago


brainrake commented 8 years ago


kool79 commented 8 years ago


motlin commented 8 years ago


bencoman commented 8 years ago

Should it differentiate between lite tags and annotated tags ?

olafmertens commented 8 years ago


Lothrazar commented 8 years ago

This would be great. Really whats the point of creating tags if i cant see them? I love that making a release generates a tag, but why not let it make a branch too

yeison commented 8 years ago


mtn81 commented 8 years ago


arodiss commented 7 years ago


krshedd commented 7 years ago


nscarcella commented 7 years ago


sGeeK44 commented 7 years ago

Up :+1:

bradmccormack commented 7 years ago


taudac commented 7 years ago


CosmicPuppy commented 7 years ago


jesusjimenezmanas commented 7 years ago


joao-bolsson commented 7 years ago


bupadon commented 7 years ago


reddeco commented 7 years ago


kyrsjo commented 7 years ago


EDIT: Trying to find my bearings on a large and complex project like this without anything else than dates and mouseover texts to go on is quite difficult. It also makes the tags much less useful, as fewer people are likely to see them, discouraging developers from putting tags at all. Therefore, having this feature would be fantastic!

CosmicPuppy commented 7 years ago

Feature request open since September 2015?!?

My workaround is to create "fake" Branches with the prefix "tag-" (e.g., "tag-Release_1"). This has two drawbacks:

  1. Someone may actually start using this tag-branch as a Branch.
  2. It is still necessary to create real Tags (for release management and all the valuable uses that Tags have...). Furthermore, GUI's like SourceTree and gitk get cluttered because their views show the Tags ... plus my ludicrous tag-Branches.

It's as if GitHub doesn't acknowledge that TAGS exist?

mmaarrccoo commented 7 years ago


stingaa commented 7 years ago


Rabadash8820 commented 7 years ago


kolyaak commented 7 years ago


sebastienvidal commented 7 years ago


Rabadash8820 commented 7 years ago

I mean this is the official GitHub repo, correct? Is there somewhere else that we should be raising this Issue?

choubacha commented 7 years ago

Or at least tags associated with published releases.

JNKRMN commented 7 years ago


ErAbhishekShukla commented 7 years ago

+1 Please consider to add this feature

kkevlar commented 7 years ago


mkrauklis commented 6 years ago


morinb commented 6 years ago


manihamidi commented 6 years ago


kingbuzzman commented 6 years ago


Andrew-Hanlon commented 6 years ago

+1 How is this not already available!

lauvdk commented 6 years ago


RonRademaker commented 6 years ago


briochemc commented 6 years ago


Eljah commented 6 years ago

+2 :)

damscot commented 6 years ago

since 2015 no update from maintainers so lets continue: +1

till-s commented 6 years ago

+1 Please show tags on the network graph

kdybicz commented 6 years ago


Morwenn commented 6 years ago
