isabelle926 / flask_portfolio

Tri 1: Python and Flask Intro
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Isabelle Week 9 Individual Final #83

Open isabelle926 opened 3 years ago

isabelle926 commented 3 years ago

Very cool video here

i can now put video editor on my resume lol

Overall Grade: 5.5/6

kamyamah commented 3 years ago
  1. I liked how the video was concise and had examples of your code throughout the presentation was very well done.
  2. I liked some of the commits you talked about specifically in the binary lab I like how you related it to the big idea and explained what each part of the binary lab does and how many bits it functions with. commit
  3. Something I really enjoyed was Big O nation by condensing information you were able to write multiple lines of code in only 20 commit
  4. Finally I really enjoyed you talking about the RGB lab and the greyscale and the dictionary associated with that lab. It was very well done and in depth and I feel If I had no prior experience to computer science I would I have understood it well. commit
  5. Only thing I would have done better is adding examples from the CB videos or like their code or an example question from their videos other than that it was really well done! 5.5/6
rkaavya commented 3 years ago
  1. I really like how you run the code and explain how binary works through your code. I also really like how you explain the fundamentals of binary.
  2. I like how you explain the dictionaries that you used in the RGB minilab. I really like how you explain how dictionaries and lists relate to how data can be pulled through the internet.
  3. I like how you talked about Big O notation and how it contributes to running the program.
  4. One thing I would say to improve is maybe creating your own quiz questions about dictionaries/lists and binary. Great Job Isabelle! 5.5/6
VidhiKulkarni commented 3 years ago
  1. I really liked how you explained the use of dictionaries in the RGB Lab. I also liked how you explained what they are. Tangible: at 1:25
  2. I really liked how you talked about the use of Big O notation, in order to make your program concise and more efficient. Tangible: at 2:32
  3. I really liked how you explained the binary mini-lab with detail, along with explaining how binary works and you knowledge of it. Tangible: at 0:40
  4. One improvement would be to explain each part of the code itself, for each section.

Overall, great work! 5.5/6

jm1021 commented 3 years ago

Nice introduction Binary, RGB, and personal work being shown. Binary discussion recaps hex, octal and bases. Snapshot of code and a flip to runtime. RGB mini lab discusses key values nicely. Random interview question is interesting, I am not sure Big O is best topic to speak about, perhaps List and Random and passing data into HTML. You did a nice job of elaborating on some REAL KEY principles. Improvement would be having one segment were you talked in detail about implementation, probably 3rd area. Comments where thoughtful and showed examples and you provided correction idea. Perhaps a little more depth on correction idea.