The layout looks great, if you wanted to you could play around with the other tags. - - For example, adding links.
Data Types
Use of the console is great 👍 but there isn't much use of data structures other so maybe you could experiment with that later
DOM Hack
Awesome job referencing the tags in HTML and using js to modify the values.
It would be cool if you found a more efficient way add content to your - --answersDiv.innerHTML, especially if you wanted to expand on the code.
Nice job with the submit button
Nice debugging skills 😎. I recommend adding more comments to your code because it can be easier to debug and understand what is happening in the code.
Very interesting and appealing layout. It's logical, clear, and showcases the code. I agree with Matthew in that maybe you can add a little more with links, images, etc.
Data Types
Looks well done, clearly shows how you know the different data types. The console output is also working. My only suggestion is maybe include some text as well in the console output. Something you can invest more time into in the future is maybe run checks to see if the user input is actually a number, but that might take a long time to code.
Clear use of id's, attributes for HTML, and document.getElementById. My only suggestion is maybe just expanding more on the code to include more data to reference and alter.
Button works very well, functions all give correct output and work properly, and console output works too. Again, maybe just expand if you have the chance.
See the correcting errors page.
Everything works well with no errors, so debugging this code went smoothly I assume.
Well done!
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