I have extracted exon boundary coordinates and numbers from the VV API output and added to the json and .bed files created by the generate_bed.py. The script will now ask the user whether they wish to have the coordinates in the bed file and json as the coordinates within the identified mane_select transcript or genomic coordinates using their chosen genome build. Which they choose will determine the layout of the bedfile produced (the transcript won't be listed if genomic coords are requested).
The updates for extracting exon boundaries and implementing user choice between transcript and genomic coordinates in generate_bed.py are well-executed, enhancing the script's functionality.
I have extracted exon boundary coordinates and numbers from the VV API output and added to the json and .bed files created by the generate_bed.py. The script will now ask the user whether they wish to have the coordinates in the bed file and json as the coordinates within the identified mane_select transcript or genomic coordinates using their chosen genome build. Which they choose will determine the layout of the bedfile produced (the transcript won't be listed if genomic coords are requested).