isagalaev / ijson

Iterative JSON parser with Pythonic interface
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"JSONError: Additional Data" when parsing simple JSON string #40

Closed djrobust closed 9 years ago

djrobust commented 9 years ago

I am trying to iteratively parse a large JSON file. However, after the first few events ijson raises a JSONError: Additional data. I have looked into ijson's sourcecode, but fail to understand what the problem is.

Here is a minimal working example, my eventual goal to extract all objects with '.com' in the body.url.

import io
import ijson

fh = io.StringIO('''{"body": {"kids": [487171, 15, 234509, 454410, 82729], "descendants": 15, "url": "", "title": "Y Combinator", "by": "pg", "score": 61, "time": 1160418111, "type": "story", "id": 1}, "source": "firebase", "id": 1, "retrieved_at_ts": 1435938464}
{"body": {"kids": [454411], "descendants": 0, "url": "", "title": "A Student's Guide to Startups", "by": "phyllis", "score": 16, "time": 1160418628, "type": "story", "id": 2}, "source": "firebase", "id": 2, "retrieved_at_ts": 1435938464}''')

parser = ijson.parse(fh)
for prefix, event, value in parser:
    print(prefix, event, value)


In [6]:  start_map None
 map_key body
body start_map None
body map_key kids start_array None number 487171 number 15 number 234509 number 454410 number 82729 end_array None
body map_key descendants
body.descendants number 15
body map_key url
body.url string
body map_key title
body.title string Y Combinator
body map_key by string pg
body map_key score
body.score number 61
body map_key time
body.time number 1160418111
body map_key type
body.type string story
body map_key id number 1
body end_map None
 map_key source
source string firebase
 map_key id
id number 1
 map_key retrieved_at_ts
retrieved_at_ts number 1435938464
 end_map None
JSONError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-db2d9e444fc8> in <module>()
----> 1 import codecs, os;__pyfile ='''/tmp/py3985v6f''', encoding='''utf-8''');__code ='''utf-8''');__pyfile.close();os.remove('''/tmp/py3985v6f''');exec(compile(__code, '''/home/peon/edu/Econ 298 - Second Year Paper/src/data_management/''', 'exec'));

/home/peon/edu/Econ 298 - Second Year Paper/src/data_management/ in <module>()
     10 parser = ijson.parse(fh)
---> 11 for prefix, event, value in parser:
     12     print(prefix, event, value)

/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/ijson/ in parse(basic_events)
     63     '''
     64     path = []
---> 65     for event, value in basic_events:
     66         if event == 'map_key':
     67             prefix = '.'.join(path[:-1])

/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/ijson/backends/ in basic_parse(file, buf_size)
    190         pass
    191     else:
--> 192         raise common.JSONError('Additional data')

JSONError: Additional data
isagalaev commented 9 years ago

This indeed is not a valid JSON. Shortened it looks like this:

{"body": ... }
{"body": ... }

You can't have more than one value at the root of a JSON document, and here you've got two objects simply following one another. So the very beginning of the second one is that "additional data" that ijson complains about.

You probably want to wrap those in an array:

  {"body": ... },
  {"body": ... }
djrobust commented 9 years ago

Thank you for the explanation and the fix, which works well!

JasperKirton commented 6 years ago

Hello, any idea how to do this sequentially with a large (100gb) JSON file in Python code? Many thanks

harrytrinh2 commented 6 years ago

@isagalaev @djrobust thanks for the explanation, but how to fix it by coding? I dont know how to write that code to insert " ," after each line

Demetrio92 commented 6 years ago

Given the discussion in #42 -- would you accept a PR solving this? I don't see how shall anyone add commas after each line of a large file. That basically ruins all the gains of this package. I could as well do for line in file then.

Hugo-Gomez commented 5 years ago

@TrinhDinhPhuc Try jsonfile.write(',') on your iteration like : for row in reader: json.dump(row, jsonfile) jsonfile.write(',') jsonfile.write('\n')