isamplesorg / isamples_inabox

Provides functionality intermediate to a collection and central
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Global Grid cell identifiers are included in core JSON API response #372

Open smrgeoinfo opened 2 months ago

smrgeoinfo commented 2 months ago


   "producedBy_samplingSite_location_h3_0": "8045fffffffffff",
    "producedBy_samplingSite_location_h3_1": "8144bffffffffff",
    "producedBy_samplingSite_location_h3_2": "8244affffffffff",
    "producedBy_samplingSite_location_h3_3": "8344aefffffffff",
    "producedBy_samplingSite_location_h3_4": "8444ae3ffffffff",.....

These aren't in the schema and I don't think many people will have a use for them. I'd recommend not inserting them in the JSON.

dannymandel commented 1 month ago

This is an easy fix.

dannymandel commented 1 month ago

This will be fixed once we do our next push to central