isantesteban / snug

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How about the performance with more loose clothes such as a long dress or skirt? #10

Closed StevenLiuWen closed 2 years ago

StevenLiuWen commented 2 years ago

Hi researchers,

Thanks for sharing this excellent work. I am a little curious about how the performance of the proposed method on the more loose types of clothes, such as long dresses or skirts?

isantesteban commented 2 years ago


Currently our method does not support skirts and dresses. The main issue is the way we assign skinning weights, which introduces big discontinuities between the legs. I tried to learn the cloth dynamics of a dress recently, but these discontinuities introduce a big spike in the strain energy and the training gets stuck trying to minimize that term (while ignoring the other losses). This is what it looks like:


We believe that the physics-based loss terms could also be used to learn deformations of garments like this, but to do so, first we would need to rethink the skinning step (Equation 1 from the paper).

Hope this helps!

StevenLiuWen commented 2 years ago


Got it. Thanks for your quick reply. It helps a lot and indeed inspires the next research direction!

FishWoWater commented 2 years ago

Hi! I have noticed that the results for the dress is much better in your repo Is this because of the human diffusion model? Perhaps the diffusion model addresses the skinning problem of the dress better @isantesteban

dancasas commented 2 years ago

Yes, our results using the approach described in Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On (CVPR 2021) are much better for highly nonrigid garments. This is because in that CVPR 2021 paper we pay special attention to the rigging weights associated with the garment. (we use the diffused model to update rigging weights, etc.). For SNUG, we just keep rigging weigts constant, which is not ideal but the focus of the work was different.

FishWoWater commented 2 years ago

@dancasas Got it, thanks for such a quick response!

FishWoWater commented 2 years ago

@isantesteban Hi~

How did you train the human diffused model in your paper Self-Supervised Collision Handling via Generative 3D Garment Models for Virtual Try-On (CVPR 2021)? I didn't find the training details of that part in your paper.

I think the diffused model can be very useful (e.g. as a standalone plug-in) for other virtual-try-on pipeline.

Sorry for talking about the other repo here, but it seems that you have closed the issues section in that repo.

dancasas commented 2 years ago

You can find details about how we trained the diffused model in the supplementary document (linked in The Files section of the project website you are referring).

FishWoWater commented 2 years ago

@dancasas @isantesteban thanks! I will try to implement that : )

by the way, I have some concerns on the supplementary's table3.

If you are using the same train / val split as your work Learning-Based Animation of Clothing for Virtual Try-On, shouldn't it be 4 test sequences? (as pointed out here

Further, I have evaluated the performance of Learning-Based Animation of Clothing for Virtual Try-On on my PC, the avg error(euclidean distance in cm level) on 68 sequences(68=17x4) is 1.21 cm (much lower than reported 2.9cm). I think 1.21cm is more consistent with Fig7 in Learning-Based Animation of Clothing for Virtual Try-On.

I attached some figure below for reference



FishWoWater commented 2 years ago

For the human diffusion model

I have tried to sample 100 points from body surface to the cloth vertices(rest pose, dress). Sampled points are then used to query nearest neighbours in the body, just according to Eqn.4~Eqn.6 in But it seems that 100 points have exactly the same nearest neighbour for each vertex in the cloth. In this case, it would be the same as naive lbs.



#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

import time
import numpy as np
from utils import load_motion, create_o3dmesh, load_obj, save_obj, query_closest_vertices, laplacianMatrix
from smpl import SMPLModel
import open3d as o3d
import pickle as pkl
from skin import lbs
from pysdf import SDF

cloth_path = "../meshes/dress.obj"
motion_path = "../motions/dance1.npz"
model_path = "../smpl_models/SMPL_FEMALE.pkl"

smpl_model = SMPLModel(model_path)
dat = pkl.load(open(model_path, "rb"), encoding='latin1')
body_template = np.asarray(dat['v_template'])
body_skinweights = np.asarray(dat['weights'])
body_shapedirs = np.asarray(dat['shapedirs'])
body_posedirs = np.asarray(dat['posedirs'])
body_vertices, body_faces = smpl_model.v_template, smpl_model.faces

motion = load_motion(motion_path, swap_axis=True)
poses, shape, translations = motion['pose'], motion['shape'], motion['translation']

cloth_vertices, cloth_faces = load_obj(cloth_path)
cloth_lapmat = laplacianMatrix(cloth_faces)

# cloth = create_o3dmesh(cloth_vertices, cloth_faces); body = create_o3dmesh(body_vertices, body_faces)
# o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([cloth, body])

closest_indices = query_closest_vertices(body_vertices, cloth_vertices)
cloth_skinweights = body_skinweights[closest_indices]
cloth_shapedirs = body_shapedirs[closest_indices]
cloth_posedirs = body_posedirs[closest_indices]

# obtain dynamic
num_samples = 500
def get_dyna_nn(bv, cv, num_samples=100, uniform=True):
    # first query the nearest neighbour
    nn = query_closest_vertices(bv, cv)
    body_cloth = cv - bv[nn]
    # sampling along the
    xs = np.linspace(0., 1., num_samples).reshape(1, -1, 1)
    sampled_points = bv[nn, np.newaxis] + xs * body_cloth[:, np.newaxis]
    # then query the sampled points from body
    dyna_nn = query_closest_vertices(bv, sampled_points.reshape(-1, 3)).reshape(-1, num_samples)
    if uniform: dyna_nn_weights = np.ones_like(dyna_nn) / num_samples
    else:   dyna_nn_weights = None
    for _dyna_nn in dyna_nn:
        if np.unique(_dyna_nn, axis=0).shape[0] > 1:
    return dyna_nn, dyna_nn_weights

dyna_nn, dyna_nn_weights = get_dyna_nn(body_vertices, cloth_vertices, num_samples=num_samples)

viser = o3d.visualization.Visualizer()
mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh()

id = 0
for pose, trans in zip(poses, translations):
    smpl_model.set_params(pose=pose, beta=shape, trans=trans)

    cverts = cloth_vertices + np.einsum('a,bca->bc', shape, cloth_shapedirs) + smpl_model.pose_blendshape[closest_indices]
    bverts = lbs(smpl_model.v_posed, smpl_model.global_joint_transforms, smpl_model.weights) + trans
    cverts = lbs(cverts, smpl_model.global_joint_transforms, cloth_skinweights) + trans

    verts = np.concatenate((bverts, cverts), axis=0)
    faces = np.concatenate((body_faces, cloth_faces + bverts.shape[0]), axis=0)

    if id == 0:
        # set up vertex colors
        cloth_colors = np.zeros_like(cverts); cloth_colors[:, 2] = 1.
        body_colors = np.ones_like(bverts)/ 3
        mesh.vertex_colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(np.concatenate((body_colors, cloth_colors), axis=0))

    if id == 0:
        mesh.vertices = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(verts)
        mesh.triangles = o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(faces)
        mesh.vertices = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(verts)
        mesh.triangles = o3d.utility.Vector3iVector(faces)
    id += 1