An extensive glossary of software architecture (and development) terminology. Explains the terms used and referenced in the iSAQB foundation and advanced level curricula.
Do we really need such a basic term? Is there really a special relationship to software architecture?
In case we still want the term:
A) "(noun) Term used by software developers when they do not want to explain what they did."
Do we really want such funny fake definitions?
B) "A self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed, e.g. to perform calculations, data processing, and/or similar tasks."
-> This definition is from wikipedia. However it is simply wrong. For instance, a set is not ordered, thats the specific idea of a set, hence a set of operations is a non ordered collection of operation.
An algorithm contains always an executable and repetable number of operations (= means somehow ordered)
The german definition of Algorithm is much better:
"Ein Algorithmus ist eine eindeutige Handlungsvorschrift zur Lösung eines Problems oder einer Klasse von Problemen. Algorithmen bestehen aus endlich vielen, wohldefinierten Einzelschritten.[1] Somit können sie zur Ausführung in einem Computerprogramm implementiert, aber auch in menschlicher Sprache formuliert werden. Bei der Problemlösung wird eine bestimmte Eingabe in eine bestimmte Ausgabe überführt.[2]"
And it is based on a english well-known book: "Hartley Rogers, Jr.: Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability, S. 2."
Do we really need such a basic term? Is there really a special relationship to software architecture?
In case we still want the term: A) "(noun) Term used by software developers when they do not want to explain what they did." Do we really want such funny fake definitions?
B) "A self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed, e.g. to perform calculations, data processing, and/or similar tasks."
-> This definition is from wikipedia. However it is simply wrong. For instance, a set is not ordered, thats the specific idea of a set, hence a set of operations is a non ordered collection of operation. An algorithm contains always an executable and repetable number of operations (= means somehow ordered)
The german definition of Algorithm is much better:
"Ein Algorithmus ist eine eindeutige Handlungsvorschrift zur Lösung eines Problems oder einer Klasse von Problemen. Algorithmen bestehen aus endlich vielen, wohldefinierten Einzelschritten.[1] Somit können sie zur Ausführung in einem Computerprogramm implementiert, aber auch in menschlicher Sprache formuliert werden. Bei der Problemlösung wird eine bestimmte Eingabe in eine bestimmte Ausgabe überführt.[2]"
And it is based on a english well-known book: "Hartley Rogers, Jr.: Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability, S. 2."