Hive.registerAdapter<SampleModel>('SampleModel', (json) => SampleModel.fromJson(json));
//open box
final box = Hive.box<List<SampleModel>>(name: 'myBox');
//add items to specific key
box.put('list', const [SampleModel(id: 1, name: 'name'), SampleModel(id: 2, name: 'same')]);
//get items
final list = box.get('list');
When I try to get items from key fromJson method throws exception like "Type mismatch. Expected List but got List". Message comes from type_registry.dart class inside of the fromJson method.
If I add register adapter for list type like this
Hive.registerAdapter<List<SampleModel>>('List<SampleModel>', (json) {
if (json is List) {
return json.map((e) => SampleModel.fromJson(e)).toList();
debugPrint('json type: ${json.runtimeType}');
return [];
then exception message change "Type mismatch. Map<String,dynamic> but got List".
Exception throws because fromJson method doesn't support list type.
When I try to get items from key fromJson method throws exception like "Type mismatch. Expected List but got List". Message comes from type_registry.dart class inside of the fromJson method.
If I add register adapter for list type like this
then exception message change "Type mismatch. Map<String,dynamic> but got List".
Exception throws because fromJson method doesn't support list type.
For solution we can check json is List.