isar / hive

Lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart.
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New Flutter master update blocs use of HiveGenerator #268

Open ThinkDigitalSoftware opened 4 years ago

ThinkDigitalSoftware commented 4 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

Flutter 1.16.4-pre.52 • channel master • Framework • revision 2a649b16e2 (55 minutes ago) • 2020-03-31 16:16:25 -0700 Engine • revision 807ca8543c Tools • Dart 2.8.0 (build 2.8.0-dev.18.0 e8c4aed700)


Because no versions of hive_generator match >0.7.0+2 <0.8.0 and hive_generator 0.7.0+2 depends on dartx ^0.2.0, hive_generator ^0.7.0+2 requires dartx ^0.2.0. And because no versions of dartx match >0.2.0 <0.3.0, hive_generator ^0.7.0+2 requires dartx 0.2.0. And because dartx 0.2.0 depends on quiver >=2.0.3 <2.1.0 and every version of flutter_test from sdk depends on quiver 2.1.3, hive_generator ^0.7.0+2 is incompatible with flutter_test from sdk. So, because fritter_for_reddit depends on both flutter_test any from sdk and hive_generator ^0.7.0+2, version solving failed. pub get failed (1; So, because fritter_for_reddit depends on both flutter_test any from sdk and hive_generator ^0.7.0+2, version solving failed.)

themisir commented 4 years ago

I have same issue.

flutter doctor -v

[√] Flutter (Channel master, v1.16.4-pre.80, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.720], locale en-US)    • Flutter version 1.16.4-pre.80 at D:\flutter
    • Framework revision 77ea848c46 (29 minutes ago), 2020-04-02 10:57:37 -0700
    • Engine revision 46277fd2ca
    • Dart version 2.8.0 (build 2.8.0-dev.18.0 b177e44ffa)

[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 28.0.3)
    • Android SDK at C:\Users\misir\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
    • Platform android-29, build-tools 28.0.3
    • ANDROID_HOME = C:\Users\misir\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
    • Java binary at: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-release-1586-b04)
    • All Android licenses accepted.

[!] Visual Studio - develop for Windows (Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.2)
    • Visual Studio at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community
    • Visual Studio Community 2019 version 16.5.29926.136
    X Visual Studio is missing necessary components. Please re-run the Visual Studio installer for the
      "Desktop development with C++" workload, and include these components:
        MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools
         - If there are multiple build tool versions available, install the latest
        Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.0)

[√] Android Studio (version 3.6)
    • Android Studio at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
    • Flutter plugin version 44.0.2
    • Dart plugin version 192.7761
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-release-1586-b04)

[√] VS Code (version 1.43.2)
    • VS Code at C:\Users\misir\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code
    • Flutter extension version 3.8.1


  sdk: ">=2.6.0 <3.0.0"

  hive: ^1.4.1
  hive_flutter: ^0.3.0

    sdk: flutter

  hive_generator: ^0.7.0+2
  build_runner: ^1.8.0
iamEtornam commented 4 years ago

same issue. Any fix?

ThinkDigitalSoftware commented 4 years ago

If you're done with the generator, just remove it from your project

ludwiktrammer commented 4 years ago

It's now happening on the most recent versions of the master, dev, and beta channels - none of them are currently compatible with hive_generator. There is a huge chance that when the new stable release comes out, it too will be incompatible with hive_generator.

ludwiktrammer commented 4 years ago

Seems that the workaround from #203 can be used here.

Sadmansamee commented 4 years ago

@ludwiktrammer this is a big problem then!