isawnyu / pleiades-gazetteer

This repository provides a home for tickets and other planning documents for the Pleiades gazetteer of ancient places. Code is kept in multiple other repositories.
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Previous / Next Button for Gazetteer Functionality #36

Open rmhorne opened 8 years ago

rmhorne commented 8 years ago

The addition of a Previous / Next button (or some equivalent interface) to browse Pleiades places alphabetically. This will allow a user to "read" places as if they were using a physical gazetteer, and will assist the editors / reviewers who work with the Barrington Atlas and other reference works.

paregorios commented 5 years ago

@rmhorne do you still see this as a potentially useful feature? If so, where would you put the previous/next buttons and what do you think would be a good point of entry?

rmhorne commented 5 years ago

I still think this is a useful feature - perhaps using the places tab, with (which currently changes to browse places when clicked on, but that is another issue). A link right above the download link for an entry point - I am thinking the first alphabetical place name entry and a right arrow to enter the alphabetical listing. On each place page perhaps a listing to the left and right of the main title which has an arrow and the name of the next/previous place in a smaller font.