isawnyu / pleiades-rdf

RDF from Pleiades
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use GeoSPARQL instead of osgeo #11

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 6 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 6 years ago states " extents of spatial objects are expressed using osgeo:AsGeoJSON, and osgeo:AsWKT" where osgeo is This is confirmed by that uses props osgeo:asGeoJSON, osgeo:asWKT. There are 2 flaws with this approach:

Please use the GeoSPARQL standard that is implemented by at least 4-5 repositories (GraphDB, Virtuoso, uSeekM, Strabon...). Eg

@prefix geo: <> .
        geo:asWKT "<>POLYGON ((-3.70 40.42, ...))"^^geos:wktLiteral.
        geo:asWKT "<> POLYGON ((439930.8579 4475096.6375, ...))"^^geo:wktLiteral.

(examples from


Unfortunately GeoSPARQL doesn't define a property asGeoJSON. I don't know of an ontology to define such property officially. But just using osgeo:asGeoJSON that is not defined is not good. As @ewg118 wrote in!topic/pelagios-project/QAyZw__8pDg 4 years ago: "Is asGeoJSON a proposed property that doesn't exist in the stable ontology yet? If not, can the property be incorporated into the pleiades ontology? As it is, our data are floating out in semantic purgatory."

So define it in pleiades.

ewg118 commented 6 years ago

There are still one or two examples of GeoJSON polygons encoded into the osgeo:asGeoJSON property in Nomisma. This has come up recently on the slack channel. The asGeoJSON property is still not in the Ordnance Survey ontology, which does not even appear to be actively maintained anymore. It would be extremely useful to have some sort of property for encoding the GeoJSON as a literal, as GeoJSON support is more broad than WKT at this point.

ewg118 commented 6 years ago

What about adding a property into the GeoJSON-LD ontology itself, @sgillies? Such as geojson:featuresLiteral

sgillies commented 6 years ago

@ewg118 it's a good idea, but I can't reopen GeoJSON-LD for revision any time soon.

ewg118 commented 6 years ago

Is there anything to do other than updating the RDF ontology and the documentation pages?

sgillies commented 6 years ago

Two more things at least, @ewg118:

VladimirAlexiev commented 6 years ago

Adding an opaque geojson literal would be great since structured geojson-ld doesn't capture lists properly