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Activity Streams #10

Open isayme opened 6 years ago

isayme commented 6 years ago

直接看 IBM 官方的介绍:

Activity Streams provides developers with a standard model and JSON-based encoding format for describing how users engage with both the application and with one another. This standard format can be used at every layer within an application, from back-end data storage to driving the user experience, and frees developers from the need to invent new adhoc application-specific data formats and models for describing the kinds of actions that users can perform within the system.

诸如 Facebook / Twitter 等各大社交网站都记录了用户在网站的动态信息.

动态信息作为历史记录, 需要长期存在并可查询. 如果数据模型设计的不合理, 很容易就会导致后期难以维护.

Activity Streams 的出现更多的是给开发人员 提供一套标准的数据模型 用于描述用户的动态. Activity Streams 1.0 标准发布于 2011 年, 当前最新的版本是 2.0.
