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InSAR Scientific Computing Environment version 2
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Poor focusing using the ROI_PAC sensor type in stripmapApp #640

Closed geniusinaction closed 1 year ago

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

This is an edge case for sure, but I am trying to process legacy JERS data from raw using stripmapApp. Since there is no example input file format (that I could find in the current version, anyway) for JERS, I am trying to use the ROI_PAC input format. I did once successfully process this pair with ROI_PAC, so this was pretty easy to set up, with the raw files, rsc files and all that.

The results, however, were disappointing. Neither image is well focused at the SLC stage, and everything beyond that is (as you might expect) fuzzy garbage. I am left wondering if there is something in the metadata parsing that did not make it from ROI_PAC into ISCE? I note that both the raw files have significant Doppler shifts (-1.2 PRF in the ROI_PAC nomenclature) which does make me wonder if that might be the issue? Anyone have any suggestions?


piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

Check units of _dopplerVsRangePixel vs that of another sensor like TSX / CSK / ALOS. It is possible that they are normalized by PRF in ROI_PAC; and might need to be converted to Hz before using with any of the workflows.

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

Intriguing! I assume the values of doppler_vs_pixel represent a static coefficient, linear and quadratic terms? I am not sure if the numbers agree exactly.

This is what I get:

My JERS image (selected entries from isce.log):

reference.frame.doppler_vs_pixel = [-284.0383895212319, -0.08412333288059079, 2.1196022751847877e-06]
reference.instrument.range_pixel_size = 8.76586134502924
reference.sensor.DOPPLER_RANGE0 = -1.2416044171086
reference.sensor.DOPPLER_RANGE1 = -4.42229572736922e-05
reference.sensor.DOPPLER_RANGE2 = 0
reference.sensor.PRF = 1555.2000000

-1.24 1555 = -1920 (with the integer ambiguity included, compare with -284) -0.24 1555 = -373 (without the integer ambiguity, compare with -284) -4.42e-05 * 1555 / 8.76 = -0.00786 (compare with -0.0841)

Might this mean that the integer ambiguity is not being passed? The difference in gradients is still an order of magnitude, though.

An ERS scene, that I processed with ISCE (using the - i.e. raw - parser) and ROI_PAC:

reference.frame.doppler_vs_pixel = [366.8354526906382, -0.007878482870533469, 1.9696267475015959e-07]
reference.instrument.prf = 1679.8784549964564
reference.instrument.range_pixel_size = 7.904890281159604

and from the ROI_PAC processing of the same data:

DOPPLER_RANGE0                           0.2232
DOPPLER_RANGE1                           -5.0521e-07
DOPPLER_RANGE2                           -5.0384e-10

0.2232 1680 = 374.9 (compared with 366.8) -5.052e-07 1680 / 7.905 = -0.000107 (compared with -0.00788)

These numbers are closer to the ISCE equivalents?

piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

Yeah . it looks like the ambiguity is not being passed through correctly. ROI_PAC itself had a couple of conventions and it was not always clear. The first one was that coefficients were a function of pixel number w.r.t starting range of the scene and the second one was coefficients as a function of pixel number w.r.t zero starting range. Might have to dig into JERS parser to see what it was spitting out. ISCE sensor supports the first one. But my first guess is that DOPPLER_RANGE{} is not getting translated correctly to doppler_vs_pixel

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

Digging a little deeper, it seems that the default for ROI_PAC-format data is to run DopIQ and not to use the information from the file headers.

In an extremely hacky way, I temporarily added ROI_PAC to the default list, to see what happens if I forced it to use instead of I found that:

  1. The reported Doppler vs pixel coefficients, are a very large first number (= the Doppler shift in Hz * the PRF), and zeros otherwise - it seems that the other Doppler coefficients are not used at all.
  2. If I then hacked the parser, to divide the first coefficient by the PRF, I can produce adequately focused reference and secondary SLCs, with constant Doppler shifts of ~-1900 Hz for both. However, these SLCs didn't coregister properly (there is a biggish range shift between them, perhaps because the Doppler gradients are not accounted for?) and the interferogram is still junk.

The improved SLCs: focused_jers_slcs

So I guess there a couple of possible approaches? Pass the integer ambiguity to DopIQ somehow, or hack DefaultDopp and friends to use the values of the Doppler coefficients from the rsc files properly. Assuming that the latter is easier, how would I go about doing that?

piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

I thought with the sensors, you could just do this - <property name="doppler method">useDEFAULT</property>

I could be wrong - its been a long time since I used this. I thought that the idea was to fall back to that bit of code if nothing is specified by the user. ROI_PAC should definitely fall in the default category.

piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

Also I see ROI_PAC sensor setting dopplerVsRangePixel vs _dopplerVsPixel used by default doppler . This reader may not have ever been updated to work with stripmapApp. That might explain the metadata not being propagated correctly.

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the pointer, it seems the correct properties are:

<property name="reference doppler method">useDEFAULT</property>
<property name="secondary doppler method">useDEFAULT</property>\

If I use this without any additional code hacks, I get these:

reference.frame.doppler_vs_pixel = [-3003002.848290641, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
secondary.frame.doppler_vs_pixel = [-2882779.5730339526, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Which are both a factor of the PRF too large, and the other coefficients are not passed somehow. Manually hacking the to divide dopp[0] by the PRF is how I managed to get the focused SLCs in my previous post.

I guess the question is how to get ISCE to use the quadratic coefficients from in the rest of the processing workflow?

piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

What you need is this

inserted here in place of

Scale what you read out of the rsc by the PRF as shown in the unpack script.

If you get the doppler wrong, topo will be way wrong - you can see z.rdr not line up with the reference SLC.

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

OK, have changed instances of dopplerVsRangePixel to dopplerVsPixel in Under _populateExtras I now have

mdict = self.constants
self.frame._dopplerVsPixel = [float(mdict['DOPPLER_RANGE0'])*prf,
                              float(mdict['DOPPLER_RANGE2'])*prf ]

and later on, under extractDoppler, I have

quadratic = {}
dopp = self.frame._dopplerVsPixel
mid = 0.5*(int(self.constants['WIDTH']) - int(self.constants['XMIN']))
fd_mid = dopp[0] + (dopp[1] + dopp[2]*mid)*mid

quadratic['a'] = dopp[0]
quadratic['b'] = dopp[1]
quadratic['c'] = dopp[2]

return quadratic

And now it crashes this part of, which is expecting values normalized by PRF, it seems!

I guess I can add another if statement here to check the size of the values?

piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

a, b, c is from insarApp days. When setting those, just divide by PRF again. It is just calculating a bunch of values like squint etc that are not needed

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

This is my hacky fix to lines 204 and 205 above. Seems to be working (SLCs focusing, etc).

if 'a' in self.doppler.quadratic:
    # hacky way to check whether normalized by prf or not
    if abs(self.doppler.quadratic['a']) > 3:
       fd = self.doppler.quadratic['a']    
       fd = self.doppler.quadratic['a']*prf
geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

I made that change before I saw the comment about dividing a, b and c by the PRF. I'll try that in a little bit.

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

OK, so with those changes to, the two SLCs focus sensibly (which they didn't originally), which is nice. Updated script is here, for posterity:

But there is still a coregistration issue. The two SLCs seem to be misregistered in azimuth, so there are no fringes, even though the amplitudes are a little sharper than the first time I tried...


Any advice on this part of the problem? I thought topo registration was supposed to prevent this from happening, but it seems not...

piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

Misregistration in azimuth is understandable - this is because of clocks not being synced very well - radar clock vs GPS clock; in earlier missions. Range should line up really nicely since ranging is always more accurate. For older sensors, you will need to use larger search windows to estimate the azimuth correction.

Here is where the values need to be changed:

Its currenly looking at a window of +/-40 lines and +/-40 pixels. You might only need to change the lines search range. and you can just rerun from that step.

piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

And the changes are best submitted as a PR to the github repo

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

With an 80 search pixel window in azimuth, I get... fringes!


Well, I never! (Time to play the game, orbital ramp or ionosphere?)

Thanks for all your help, Piyush! I'll see what I can do, w.r.t. pull requests...

piyushrpt commented 1 year ago

There is definitely a huge orbit component in JERS / Radarsat-1. Ionosphere as well likely in JERS

geniusinaction commented 1 year ago

Generated pull request #641 with fixes