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InSAR Scientific Computing Environment version 2
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Failed to find S1A orbits for tref 2019-03-30 10:03:10、IndexError: list index out of range #794

Closed BianSun closed 1 year ago

BianSun commented 1 year ago -s ../SLC/ -d ../DEM/demLat_N30_N31_Lon_E120_E122.dem.wgs84 -a ../AuxDir/ -o ../Orbits -b '30.03 30.59 120.35 121.15' -W slc Number of SAFE files found: 22

20190330 orbit was not found in the /media/wanchao/Elements/insar/hzbay/Orbits downloading precise or restituted orbits ... -i /media/wanchao/Elements/insar/hzbay/SLC/ -o /media/wanchao/Elements/insar/hzbay/Process/orbits/20190330 Reference time: 2019-03-30 10:03:10 Satellite name: S1A Failed to find S1A orbits for tref 2019-03-30 10:03:10 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/wanchao/isce2/contrib/stack/topsStack/", line 1023, in main(sys.argv[1:]) File "/home/wanchao/isce2/contrib/stack/topsStack/", line 985, in main acquisitionDates, stackReferenceDate, secondaryDates, safe_dict, updateStack = checkCurrentStatus(inps) File "/home/wanchao/isce2/contrib/stack/topsStack/", line 878, in checkCurrentStatus acquisitionDates, stackReferenceDate, secondaryDates, safe_dict = get_dates(inps) File "/home/wanchao/isce2/contrib/stack/topsStack/", line 305, in get_dates safeObj.get_orbit(inps.orbit_dirname, inps.work_dir) File "/home/wanchao/isce2/contrib/stack/topsStack/", line 1824, in get_orbit self.orbit = orbitFile[0] IndexError: list index out of range

BianSun commented 1 year ago

I have tried some methods, but there are still some mistakes. I wonder how I should solve this problem.😭

mirzawaqar commented 10 months ago

@BianSun did you manage to solve this issue or not yet?

DACRJ commented 9 months ago

I am experiencing the same problem, may I ask how you solved it?

hariiirs commented 3 months ago

I am also getting the same error message. Did you got the solution?