isce-framework / isce2

InSAR Scientific Computing Environment version 2
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make_single_reference_stack_isce xml file for the SLC does not exist, you need to have these #798

Open BianSun opened 7 months ago

BianSun commented 7 months ago

make_single_reference_stack_isce David Bekaert, April 2017

Stack path is: /media/wanchao/Elements/insar/hzbay/Process/merged/SLC SLC has a suffix as: .full Geometry files have a suffix as: .full SM: Reference Date = 20200324

Input file size is 48562, 7749 .vrt 20200324.slc.full width: 48562 length: 7749 num of bands: 1 dataType: CFLOAT GDAL open (R): /media/wanchao/Elements/insar/hzbay/INSAR_20200324/reference/20200324.slc.full.vrt xml file for the SLC does not exist, you need to have these Excuse me,who can help me solve this problem?

EJFielding commented 6 months ago

The make_single_reference_stack_isce program to prepare the ISCE2 output for StaMPS is not part of the ISCE2 distribution. Perhaps @dbekaert can answer this question.

Wi11iam21 commented 3 months ago

Have you solved yet? I met the same problem just now

Arctic-Ambrun commented 2 months ago

parameters input wrongly or some cmd not use before. need more details