[x] electricity data tab, change first two headings to ‘renewable electricity generation (GWh)’ and ‘% renewables of gross electricity consumption’
Energy consumption by sector
[x] ‘other’ data label in the chart is to 2 dp. Change to 1.
[x] Domestic and non-dom data table – can we add a footnote to explain that electricity figures relate to electricity demand (i.e. after electricity own use and losses) rather than gross electricity consumption (generation minus net exports)
Electricity generation
[x] From the new data onwards, add in pumped hydro into the low carbon category from 2017 onwards in Scotland only.
[x] Change the ‘fossil’ label to ‘fossil fuels’ in the chart
Renewable elec generation
[x] Can you combine the wind and hydro tabs into one new tab called European comparisons, and then have wind and hydro as a drop down in the chart/table to change?
Renewable elec capacity
[x] Operational capacity by size – if you can include the total capacity for each technology, we could drop the quarterly by tech chart
[x] Capacity by installation size table – make clear this is 2020 Q2 data
Ren elec pipeline - Scottish extract table (don’t worry about fixing this until we get the new data):
[x] Lots of NAs – remove
[x] The operational total doesn’t match the ET 6.1 figure. I thought that it should now (or at least be quite close) if we’re using RESTATS for operational
[x] In planning total doesn’t match either. Is this something to do with partially operational sites?
Ren elec pipeline
[x] Pipeline capacity table - Estimated pipeline generation in total doesn’t match the text (is the figure in the table definitely right?). For tidiness, maybe best to strip out the rows with zeroes
Electricity consumption by fuel
[x] Change the ‘fossil’ label to ‘fossil fuels’ in the chart
Renewable elec sources
[x] In the charts can you move the no of sites bar up after pipeline capacity?
Grid emissions
[x] Electricity emissions data table – make clear that is proportion of all Scottish emissions
Renewable heat
[x] Drop energy from waste data table
[x] Set generation as the default for the measure dropdown in the tech and size tabs
Domestic RHI
[x] October data published
[x] Cumulative installations and installations by region tables – change title to ‘cumulative number of domestic RHI accredited applications’, and then remove ‘accredited applications’ in each of the column headers
Non-dom RHI
[x] October data published
[x] LA installations – no Scotland totals
[x] Charging points data should be the all public charge points data from DfT
[x] Charging events and charge provided – make clear that this is ChargePlace Scotland points only
[x] Change the ‘community owned renewable capacity’ tab to ‘Capacity by stage of development’
Household energy consumption
[x] Set the labels in the chart to 1 dp
[x] Do we need a legend as well as labels?
Energy productivity of industry/services
[x] Services data table isn’t loading
Domestic EPCs
[x] Properties above band C chart – make clear in a footnote this is based on rdSAP v9.92
Wall insulation/loft insulation
[x] For the scheme level data, can Claire or Rucha provide the exact figures rather than the rounded to the nearest 100k ones?
Primary heating fuel
[x] Include a footnote on the non-dom chart and commentary to say that this is based on EPCs available for non-domestic properties that may not be representative of the full non-dom building stock.
Market structure
[x] There is an update for the market suppliers tab for June 2020 on the Ofgem portal
Restricted meters
[x] Put the time series chart first
Households not on gas grid
[x] In the data table add in the LA codes and the Scotland total. Put this on top
Gas security
[x] Update the data table for the most recent data
Covid 19 elec daily
[x] Daily demand - Should we annotate the chart and include in the commentary about the more recent restrictions? Seems to me there’s a bigger gap in demand on last year since the new restrictions came in
Primary energy – oil and gas
[ ] On the primary energy data table, add in the % made up by oil/petroleum and gas (as per the second chart)
Oil and gas consumption
[ ] do a separate chart for the UK figures as a separate tab
Renewable energy target
Energy consumption by sector
Electricity generation
Renewable elec generation
Renewable elec capacity
Ren elec pipeline - Scottish extract table (don’t worry about fixing this until we get the new data):
Ren elec pipeline
Electricity consumption by fuel
Renewable elec sources
Grid emissions
Renewable heat
Domestic RHI
Non-dom RHI
Household energy consumption
Energy productivity of industry/services
Domestic EPCs
Wall insulation/loft insulation
Primary heating fuel
Market structure
Restricted meters
Households not on gas grid
Gas security
Covid 19 elec daily
Primary energy – oil and gas
Oil and gas consumption
Oil and gas GVA
Oil and gas employment regional table