~Emissions displaced: column heading on the table should be millions of CO2 emissions displaced~
[x] Low carbon economy: Definitely a table we need to be clearer on subtotals – italics for each subtotal row. We’re missing the proportion of UK direct activity row. Suggest breaking the tables into 2 – one with direc/indirect and total activity and % of UK, another with the breakdown of direct activity by the different tech types.
~GHG Emissions: Don’t like the squashed labels~
~Emissions displaced: column heading on the table should be millions of CO2 emissions displaced~
[x] Low carbon economy: Definitely a table we need to be clearer on subtotals – italics for each subtotal row. We’re missing the proportion of UK direct activity row. Suggest breaking the tables into 2 – one with direc/indirect and total activity and % of UK, another with the breakdown of direct activity by the different tech types.