[x] Tab names: Attitudes towards energy since lockdown, issues with energy, sources of advice and information from energy supplier. Drop T70 but still include it for the data tables (as views on information from energy supplier).
[x] Attitudes towards energy since lockdown: rank statements by all agree.
[x] Can you make the neither / nor segment transparent?
[x] Issues with energy: Rank, but keep no issues at the bottom
[x] Tab names: Attitudes towards energy since lockdown, issues with energy, sources of advice and information from energy supplier. Drop T70 but still include it for the data tables (as views on information from energy supplier).
[x] Attitudes towards energy since lockdown: rank statements by all agree.
[x] Can you make the neither / nor segment transparent?
[x] Issues with energy: Rank, but keep no issues at the bottom
[x] Info from energy supplier: remove 'all agree'