isciences / exactextract

Fast and accurate raster zonal statistics
Apache License 2.0
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error using Docker #106

Closed iferencik closed 2 months ago

iferencik commented 2 months ago

I am running the dockerized version of extractextact on a global vector layer and a COG computimng mean, both in EPSG:3857 projection. Unfortunately the programs stops with the message

Error: unordered_map::at

nothing else

I tried reprojecting both to WGS84 but to no avail.

any hints are appreaciated

dbaston commented 2 months ago

Can you share your inputs and the command you're using?

iferencik commented 2 months ago


i have created a local command to launch docker

cat /usr/local/bin/exactextract
docker run --rm -it -u 1000 -v /data:/data -v /work:/work isciences/exactextract:latest  "$@"
exactextract -p /data/hrea/admincgaz/geoBoundariesCGAZ_ADM03857.fgb -r hrea_2012:/data/hrea/1km/Electricity_access_estimate_2012_un.tif -f id -s "hrea_2012=mean(hrea_2012)" -o /data/hrea/out/a0.csv
Error: unordered_map::at

cat out/a0.csv 


the raster and vector are in gogle web mercator

iferencik commented 2 months ago

i logged in into the container and run the command directly...same error

dbaston commented 2 months ago

It looks like the image on Docker Hub hasn't been updated in several months. This may be something that has been fixed since then. You could try building the Docker image based on the Dockerfile in the repo.

dbaston commented 2 months ago

I just restored automatic Docker builds, so you can try running with isciences/exactextract:master to see if that fixes it.

iferencik commented 2 months ago

I just restored automatic Docker builds, so you can try running with isciences/exactextract:master to see if that fixes it.

@dbaston thanks,

i built it locally and it works Iredownloaded the remote one and it failed. I think it might be cached for some time will retry in 1 hour and let you know

iferencik commented 2 months ago


your new image was tagged master that is why it failed because I just removed the old one thinking this new one will be tagged identically

i think using ghcr to publich the image might be better

thank you for you help

iferencik commented 2 months ago

i can confirm now everything works i am closing the issue