isciences / exactextract

Fast and accurate raster zonal statistics
Apache License 2.0
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problem with python, error: Never get here. #126

Closed automataIA closed 3 months ago

automataIA commented 3 months ago


The problem I have is when I run this line of code

raster_file = 'tif/33TWF.tif'  # GeoTiff
vector_file = 'shp/33TWF.shp' #  Shapefile extracted with pgsql2shp
stats = exact_extract(raster_file, vector_file, ["count", "mean"])`

gives me this error:

............../lib/python3.10/site-packages/exactextract/", line 320, in exact_extract
RuntimeError: Never get here.

this is the link to the raster (if it helps):

Context: I'm extracting a shapefile from a postigis DB with ewkb and it had never given me this problem the previous times. I checked both SRIDs (UTM coordinates) 32633 of the two files and they match.

dbaston commented 3 months ago

Are you able to share the shapefile?

automataIA commented 3 months ago

Are you able to share the shapefile?

For now, I can't. But I found that some particular polygons (which I don't know what they are), give me error (perhaps in the presence of cusps in the vertices), even if I checked that there were no empty and invalid polygons via postgis query. Do you have any tips for cleaning up 'crooked' polygons?

dbaston commented 3 months ago

If you run the same process from the command line, the progress output may help you identify the problem polygons. Or in Python, instead of providing the filename to exact_extract, you could provide a GeoPandas data frame with individual polygons until you find the problem. But if you're not able to share the polygon that's causing the problem, I don't think there is much I can do to fix it.

automataIA commented 3 months ago

Now, after applying a postgis buffer of 0 (to smooth the vertices), the error changed, and it gives me this error:

lib/python3.10/site-packages/exactextract/", line 320, in exact_extract
RuntimeError: Error calling GEOSCoordSeq_isCCW_r.
dbaston commented 3 months ago

To me that suggests coordinates with a value of NaN or Inf.

automataIA commented 3 months ago

If you run the same process from the command line, the progress output may help you identify the problem polygons.

Or in Python, instead of providing the filename to exact_extract, you could provide a GeoPandas data frame with individual polygons until you find the problem.

  1. I tried both methods, and they don't give me extra output.
  2. The Windows version doesn't give me any problems. p.s. Could you put a function that skips the problematic lines and puts nan or 0 as the value in that line?
dbaston commented 3 months ago

I tried both methods, and they don't give me extra output.

There is no extra output from the GeoPandas version. What I was suggesting was a way to subset your data to identify the problem polygon.

Alternatively, to get extra output from the CLI, use --progress with --include-col, e.g:

./exactextract --polygons concelhos.gpkg --raster clc2018_v2020_20u1.tif --include-col name --output /tmp/out.csv --progress --stat mode

This will display progress information:

Processing Lagoa.
Processing Nordeste.
Processing Ponta Delgada.
Processing Povoação.
Processing Ribeira Grande.
Processing Vila Franca do Campo.

so the last "Processing" entry before the error can be used to identify the input that is causing the problem.

automataIA commented 3 months ago
./exactextract --polygons concelhos.gpkg --raster clc2018_v2020_20u1.tif --include-col name --output /tmp/out.csv --progress --stat mode

i tried this: exactextract --polygons "shp/zs.shp" --raster "tif/zs.tif" --output /tmp/out.csv --progress --stat mode and it gives me this error: Processing Error: Unexpected field name: .

dbaston commented 3 months ago

You need to use --include-col, see above

automataIA commented 3 months ago

You need to use --include-col, see above

ty. now from this: exactextract --polygons shp/zsd.shp --raster tif/zzs.tif --include-col ID --output /tmp/out.csv --progress --stat mode

it gives me this error:

ERROR 1: SQL Expression Parsing Error: syntax error, unexpected '-', expecting end of string. Occurred around :
ERROR 10: Pointer 'hLayer' is NULL in 'OGR_L_GetSpatialRef'.

ERROR 10: Pointer 'hLayer' is NULL in 'OGR_L_GetLayerDefn'.

[4]    1227422 segmentation fault  exactextract --polygons shp/zs.shp --raster   ID

What should I do?

dbaston commented 3 months ago

What does ogrinfo -al -so shp/zsd.shp return?

automataIA commented 3 months ago

ogrinfo -al -so shp/zsd.shp


INFO: Open of `shp/zs.shp'
      using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.

Layer name: zs
Geometry: Polygon
Feature Count: 133542
Extent: (509359.424487, 4499525.694097) - (609779.591119, 4599917.793736)
Layer SRS WKT:
PROJCRS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 33N",
        DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
            ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
    CONVERSION["UTM zone 33N",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0,
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",15,
        PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9996,
        PARAMETER["False easting",500000,
        PARAMETER["False northing",0,
Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2
ID: Real (32.10)
automataIA commented 3 months ago

Solved. Low quality data, with segments so close together that they created zeros or infinities. Rounding them to the nearest centimeter solves the problem.