Closed furu-taka02 closed 4 years ago
Can you share the data used and command that you ran?
I used Daymet dataset "daymet_v3_prcp_2017_na.nc4" obtained from (the size of the Daymet data is big, ~1.2GB)
The Shapefile I used can be downloaded from my Google Drive,
The Shapefile above is created as follows.
The coordinates in meters of the 2 Daymet cells I used is
(x, y) = (1419250, -795500), (1419250, -796500), (1420750, -796000), (1421250, -795500)
This (x, y) coordinates are transformed into (longitude, latitude) coordinates by the CRS "Lambert Conformal Conic". You can see the detail of the CRS from the Daymet dataset I specified above, but for reference, I write the proj code of the CRS as follows:
+proj=lcc +lat_1=25.0 +lat_2=60.0 +lon_0=-100.0 +lat_0=42.5 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84
By the CRS written above, the original (x, y) coordinates are transformed to
(longitude, latitude) = (-84.054301, 33.741580), (-84.056422, 33.732421), (-84.034499, 33.728874), (-84.032375, 33.738033)
These (lon, lat) coordinates are used for making a polygon contained in the Shapefile above.
The R script I ran is as follows.
test_data_path <- './Daymet_2cells_testData_for_exactextract.shp'
test_shapefile <- st_read(test_data_path)
test_shapefile <- st_transform(test_shapefile,
crs = "+proj=lcc +lat_1=25.0 +lat_2=60.0 +lon_0=-100.0 +lat_0=42.5 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +ellps=WGS84")
netcdf_filepath <- './daymet_v3_prcp_2017_na.nc4'
netcdf_variable_name <- 'prcp' #precipitation is 'prcp' in Daymet's netcdf file
DaymetPrecip_Data <- stack(netcdf_filepath, varname=netcdf_variable_name) #import multi-band netcdf file
Mean_Precip_jan1_2017 <- exact_extract(DaymetPrecip_Data[[1]], test_shapefile, 'mean')
The true precipitation value of the target 2 Daymet cells can be seen by the following Python code.
from netCDF4 import Dataset # for reading netcdf file of Daymet data
daymet_ds = Dataset('./daymet_v3_prcp_2017_na.nc4', 'r') # reads the netCDF file
precp = daymet_ds.variables['prcp'][0,:,:] # get the precipitation raster data of the first day of 2017 (Jan 1)
As you can see in the Python code above, as the test Daymet cells, I used 2 cells with indices [5780][5980] and [5780][5981].
It looks like the CRS of the Daymet file is not read correctly by the raster
package. If you look at DaymetPrecip_Data
you'll see the PROJ string:
+proj=lcc +lon_0=-100 +lat_0=42.5 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lat_1=25 +a=6378137 +rf=298.257232666016
which has only one standard parallel (25 degrees), whereas the transformed shapefile has two (25 degrees and 60 degrees).
A workaround is to force the Daymet CRS to what it should be:
crs(DaymetPrecip_Data) <- crs(test_shapefile)
After which exact_extract(DaymetPrecip_Data[[1]], test_shapefile, 'mean')
returns 9.999985
Thank you, I got the same result!
HI, I tested if "exactextract" worked correctly on Daymet data, which is a raster data with its unit of meters. I prepared a Shapefile of a polygon which covers exactly 2 Daymet cells as test data (the polygon in this Shapefile has WGS84 as its CRS), and compared the result of exactextract and that calculated manually (since it covers exactly 2 cells, I can compute the mean by extracting the precipitation values of these 2 cells). The true (manually computed) result is (10.0 + 10.0)/2 = 10.0 mm, but the result from exactextract is 29.16989 mm (whether or not I re-projected the Shapefile into the same units of meters through the CRS used in the Daymet raster data).
Is this a bug of "exactextractr"? Or is "exactextractr" not applicable to rasters in meters as its unit?