ised-isde-canada / cbmdsp-cp-sp-overall-architecture

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Epic: Meeting Agendas #6

Open obriensystems opened 3 years ago

obriensystems commented 3 years ago


Internal WIKI:



1) arch review pre TRB submit this friday for 23rd

2) Services tasks

Context around group ownership of services (AWS only, OCP only, CoE provided) - or more around which services require direct collaboration with Artur's team

services supported (dynamodb, keycloak, s3 from ocp) services not yet supported - requiring guidelines (api-gateway, ses, s3 from public, security additions for unsupported services

go over interfaces list

3) quick sced review - in the context of incoming https connection not going through the OCP ALB

4) jira board task creation

5) github repo layout for wiki/docs/pocs

6) review the scope of the 2 thu/fri planning/dev meet scopes

  (Thursday meeting is optional for all those in the optional CC list - the meeting is focused on task planning, high level architecture and project management - not detailed dev issues)

  (Friday meeting is a pure hands on dev meeting and is fully optional for all levels of management - where we will work out dev/commit/environment issues)

Rob Carter for AWS ingres security beyond SCED/SEA - if we need it even for PUTs

Stephane: WLM required for NUIX applications on the older EDS when we move to end state EDC OCP cluster on prem current injestion is internet ready to do GETs from S3 from on-prem

cc as optional 15 min at 230 fri - send out cancel 24th SJBD holiday send mail on TRB results from 23 for 24th

obriensystems commented 3 years ago


actions deck to Carina (pending approval)

verify issue linking /blocked by in github Rob Carter on 13 sec add vsd to arch github add sec task for Rob move sec rails to 8

convert subtasks to tasks put back to epic

ask about preprod

July 27 IEOC present by thomas

obriensystems commented 3 years ago

20210708 Agenda

High Level

Links Scrum Board Wiki

Review meetings


obriensystems commented 3 years ago

20210715 Agenda

email on assigning All, History on assigning to tasks in github “discussion at the end of our meet” – normally you can auto-assign yourself (I can) – but there are issues assigning Brian to start – I assigned one task to him – was not able to assign any other under “BrianFanning” Anyway, sending mail out on history this one time to the team In the future any discussion like this will remain on the main meeting task Which shows up on the middle column on the jira board (todo, in-progress, finished) as the top #6 jira “Meeting Agendas”

Brian, I noticed that I could assign the 2nd jira after you commented on it – effectively making you a collaborator I will look into why this is with the ISED devops team And why you cannot auto assign So I assigned you to one you commented on earlier #2 – actually now both of us You show up as an “assigning suggestion” after you comment

Summary This one 7 days ago I assigned to you after you commented – lucky This one worked because you commented as well in the past This one should be yours – after you comment – I will assign

thank you /michael

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20210722: Agenda

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20210729: Agenda

Calls the ALB with the default 443 target group pointing to the stub lambda function

C:\WINDOWS\system32>kubectl exec -it backend-stub-68f6d45d58-278p4 bash [I have no name!@backend-stub-68f6d45d58-278p4 ~]$ curl --insecure Hello from: ***0611

SCED SEA code to deployment correspondence - IE: default ALB in account and default lambda target


obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20210805: Agenda


Evolving volumetric test data (all public EC radar/sat/vaisala images for now) - #37

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20210812 Meeting


1535 todo: very good demo by Brian - we will review the code and run it from github - thank you get project plan extract to AWS SA Christabel replacing Carina Christabel to send github username to michael for project setup

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20210819: meet

review visio diagram edit/sharing first via wiki, ideally via teams upcoming adobe wireframe demo of how the tool works by Olga

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20210826 Meet



Action item: Discuss with Artur whether we can use STS integration with Cognito via Keycloak - (aws temp creds) - Brian to investigation

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20210902: AWS Meet


Requirements Review / mapping to stories SP Architecture#RequirementsAnalysis Questions for CB on requirements - list to be posted Mention Brian status change Plans for next week

Answer to location of AWS PS stories


    Hi, in answer to the outstanding stories and future work.  The following tag on the github jiras shows 3 tasks, the first 2 are the in progress thick(sftp+) and thin(browser) client support for AWS upload API’s being worked on by Brian.

    The last one is an earlier – scoping jira on possible pieces of the arch that we may need assistance on.   I expect the number to expand as we go through the MVP.

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20210909: AWS Meet Integration of Pierre's sitemap diagram in teams Finish splitting of the flow diagram SP Architecture#ConceptualWebsite-Sitemap

in visio Finish off requirements review SP Architecture#DiscussionandQuestionPointsonRequirements finalize schema for status entity finalize schema for home page entities Finish end-end demo "home page" flow for read only query of preset dynamodb data, orm connector, rest read controller, thymeleaf template translation of ux extract 3 of 11 security guardrails documents discuss stage 4 draft docs

Start integrating presigned url post code into submission flow cover off cognito/keycloak feasibility question on federation discuss milestones coming up June Aug TRB stage 4 draft - revisit review UC around home page epic 5 levels of subtask around main landing page

including a separate CD testing task (on top of normal CI/Junit/mockito) - on a deployed system

UX Thymeleaf page rendering (home.html, css with TL tags) + HomeController REST API backend (Service/API) - including ORM to JAXB (db to client POJO) mapping DynamoDB repository CD Test cases

Dependent on overall:

DynamoDB schema DynamoDB ORM/repository framework CD testing framework

Prep for dev meet 1430 Friday create 3Scale proxy url request for OCP container discuss handcoded for initial HomeController or OpenAPI schema/controller/API generator - 1 time stub or bidirectional regeneration directly to non-editable target/source - essentially all schema/REST api up front Continue what Pulak started - a persistent OCP service url to use as a base for the OCP 3Scale reverse proxy (short URL) - can be DeploymentConfig or Deployment + service k8s native yaml -

Continue Pulak's CD starter framework around OCP pod redeploy on image registry upload form master build - we should either add a CD minimum spanning tree short regression test to validate the image - or keep a 2nd container up as a validated working demo -  Michael todo: finish moving subtasks off  hoild Cover off availability to AWS Pro Serv confluence - no? Bitbucket - yes github - yes - propose abandon repo if AWS can merge directly to Bitbucket  - to ease double merge Propose selected diagrams/arch in the readme Fixed AWS S3 non-versioning bucket -

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20211007: meet

review board review AWS PS requirements New SA github account work items - github link access to AWS account access to OCP account - plan for sprint 2 moving WIP tasks over plan for MVP 1 - 1st week Nov plan for UAT 

older mail

Sounds good, welcome.

I would require <dev>’s github username (personal or corporate – I use my personal) to add to the shared project we have on github

Verify that 2FA is enabled on the account – required

AWS SA label/tag

AWS SA potential items

AWS SA meeting minutes

Optionally, depending on how much is already integrated with ISED the following would be useful – let me know if you have any of these.

0 – cloud wiki (optional – as we can duplicate select sections around work items to github)

1 – cloud bitbucket access (our main design repo is on cloud bitbucket) - optional

2 – cloud Jira access (optional) – we can use the issues section of github

3 – cloud OCP access via RBAC from the github project


4 - AWS cloud account – you can use your own as well – as we are still mostly application agnostic

  I would stick to using your own account for experimentation – as the following dev account is very locked down by the trusted advisor rules to close to production level.


The AWS SEA we currently use to deploy the perimeter and application (CB) accounts/VPCs around the 2 TG’s





obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20211014: Meet SP/AWS Sync


Review AWS SA status, Yapeng, Bipan Provision work items for Yapeng - review python thick client add JS/ajax version for thin client to same JIRA/Github for above Review public/private details of project notes/diagrams Review goal of sprint 2 starting Review/sync with Pulak's and Wenli's Sprint 2 started (2 days later than originally scheduled on the 12th) pending pass as env var on deployment yaml - keycloak redirect public section of app - to avoid keycloak redirect editing - example: unprotect swagger - RDS dev creation COPS RDS secret yaml edit to 3Scale shortened proxy to fix deployment jenkins job Review Devops OCP - option to disable the trigger on auto-master deploy - to keep a test pod off the latest master - as a release rds dynamodb api gateway lambda s3 integration/parameterization of apigw call from js client lib poc formal (need js version of python in ocp dev app status ocp uat automated staging (reused for other projects)

Notes uat aws account Wenli IDM/Keycloak demo - see users in CBMDSP-5 - IDM Keycloak integration OPEN sprint 2 timeline Timeline Q super user -"20211013: update - minu is the super user - no need for 4th personna" - CBMDSP-69 - As a MINU (super user) I can manage Counsel/MINU/CB-Mergers-staff registration via portal OPEN Review AWS Dev account procedures - thanks Pierre Roles and Responsibilities - For dedicated AWS Account holders take off Brian, Bipan from aws/ocp meet with Yapeng on size/details of workload friday 930 reschedule meet at 230 with sp devs

AWS SA:  Yepeng notes 20211015

Yepeng can work 15-20h per week on SP formal requirement for the next 2 weeks filesize (try for 10 but ideally just do 4 for ease of testing) is for example over  10 GB which will take around 45 min to upload (if we see a 30 min html session timeout - reduce to under 30min of file upload = 4GB you can assume all api-gw, s3, lambda, iam setup on your own AWS account for now you can merge all your PRs immediately after posting them  - for offline review by the team here - but no blocking on code submits on your end for velocity

priority 1 thin js  using backend python Assume prerequisites (like IAM assigned bucket - for signing is done) - as we iterate we will prioritize/assign the work items - liase with CIO team COPS tickets IAM role for S3 bucket  in Lambda api gateway front for s3 lambda references predefined s3 bucket as  see also






import uuid import boto3

def lambda_handler(event, context):

Get the service client.

s3 = boto3.client('s3')
db = boto3.client('dynamodb')

# Generate a random S3 key name
upload_key = uuid.uuid4().hex

# Generate the presigned URL for put requests
presigned_url = s3.generate_presigned_url(
        'Bucket': 'cb-sp-dynamic-upload-test',
        'Key': upload_key

data = db.get_item(
  Key={"timestamp": {"S":"1002"}, "label": {"S":"auto"}}

# Return the presigned URL
return {
    "upload_url": presigned_url

For now assume the API Gateway/lambda execution pair are in the public subnet (no private VPC yet) - we will deal with calling the function from OCP in the future - for now direct from the html/js client

priority 2 thick python cli using backend python priority 3 (SFTP client) - only after thick/thin clients above are running in MVP 1/2

obriensystems commented 2 years ago

20211021:1500 SP meet Agenda

MVP1 pre demo for 1st Nov status End to end html (served via thymeleaf + temporary ajax js) calls APIGW/lambda GET for presigned URL returns presigned url json url ajax js calls S3 PUT on single file (will use full multipart js lib from AWS in next demo) optional APIGW/Lambda to close off multipart (future) - for now write metadata directly to dynamodb optional-better: S3 trigger to lambda to write metadata to dynamodb same S3 lambda trigger to SES email Upload screen refresh/ajax shows updated list (1 for now) of S3 file metadata Optional: s3 download for MINU add bucket/folder, counsel id(for dynamodb) as parameters above Optional: actual Cognito/keycloak security - for now IAM role/policy on lambda code and S3 Work items Backend = 145-154 off 54: upload  DI1:S3PreSignedURLforS3UploadviaprotectedAPIGatewayendpoint Note: see DI above DI1:S3PreSignedURLforS3UploadviaprotectedAPIGatewayendpoint having denial issues - checking with CIO on whitelist - for S3 PUT note: personal account OK (quick screenshare) Demos UX Start UAT handover in pieces via CF - see  Questions Olga: alert for uploaded complete - option clickable

  Olga: selecting merger to attach uploading files to - 2 options (one in the merger, the other with "selectable" merger upload backend call will get the folder=merger-id the upload is tagged on - should be no issues olga to review Olga: initiate registration button -  send counsel outside of the portal? not recommended but IDM sends the email (out of band) - check with Wenli counsel receives the homepage Olga: Use PDF upload or html page for Counsel start merger certificate forms? will verify with Thomas Notes:  Access: check your AWS access Yepeng demo of multipart (single threaded) S3 upload js client retrofit - we can use it in the 1st nov demo, ise the parallel version later merging  for See client feedback possible on each return call during the split/upload/finish