isel-sw-projects / 2021-casciffo

Software Capacitation in Hospital Fernando Fonseca Research Centre
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Chapter 2 - State of the Art - 2.1. Domain Requirements #7

Open fmcarvalho opened 2 years ago

fmcarvalho commented 2 years ago

Start writing the domain requirements for this project in the perspective of the client (i.e. Hospital) . Kind of processes, flow, states, actors and their roles, permissions, etc. Try to write most you can... You can extract some topics from "Domain" labeled issues and develop it with more content.

This text will be part of your thesis chapter 2 and also acts like a "contract" with the hospital.

For now, for simplicity and quickness, you may write in Markdown. You may create a folder docs in this repo and an md file for each chapter. The Github will make a nice job rendering the output. Later you can copy and paste it to the thesis latex project.

Write in English and the first time you introduce a new term, put in parenthesis () the corresponding portuguese translation. Such as:

The UIC (i.e. in pt "Unidade de Investigação Clínica") is an internal hospital department that is responsible for managing clinical trials (i.e. in pt "ensaios clínicos").

BTW there is here some introductory text that can be useful to give some insights about the motivation and role of the UIC