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Add buttons to modify clock values #7

Open mrafsyam opened 8 years ago

mrafsyam commented 8 years ago
  1. There should be two pair of Add (+) and Subtract (-) buttons to adjust each clock values
  2. There should be another pair of (stop) and (start) button to stop each clock.

Total : 4 buttons Game Clock : Add (+), Subtract (-), Stop, Start Shot Clock : Add (+), Subtract (-), Stop, Start

Each should have clickhandlers work as expected.

mrafsyam commented 8 years ago


Algorithm for this +/- buttons

  1. When user click on button, stop the clock (set to stop the clock)
  2. Get value from clock
  3. Increment/decrements the value by 1
  4. Set the value back to clock
  5. Do not start the clock via this button. Instead, user is expected to click on start button to start the clock (no coding needed in this case)
mrafsyam commented 8 years ago


New changes :

For GameClock, there should be 4 buttons

2 buttons to modify Minutes part of GameClock 2 buttons to modify Seconds part of GameClock

Try naming them accordingly/descriptive of what they do

mrafsyam commented 8 years ago

@iserifith updates on the functionality of all 4 buttons? All is OK?