ish-app / ish

Linux shell for iOS
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movups #1197

Open saagarjha opened 3 years ago

saagarjha commented 3 years ago

Just updated iSH to App Store v1.1.1 (Build 91) and got this new illegal instruction:

iPhone:~/data/yolo# cargo run
Illegal instruction
iPhone:~/data/yolo# dmesg
55 illegal instruction at 0x568067f6: 0f 11 42 24 8b 55 e8 66 
iPhone:~/data/yolo# rasm2 -b 32 -d "0f1142248b55e866"
movups xmmword [edx + 0x24], xmm0
mov edx, dword [ebp - 0x18]

Originally posted by @sferrini in

tommythorn commented 3 years ago

I test emacs and rustc with every new iSH release, but so far it's not working. Rustc leaves this in the kernel log:

5 stub syscall 383
... (many of mentions of syscall 383) ...
10 illegal instruction at 0xf39fc2e1: 66 0f 61 e8 66 0f 62 e8

TIL about rasm2. It gives me

~ # rasm2 -b 32 -d "660f61e8660f62e8"
punpcklwd xmm5, xmm0
punpckldq xmm5, xmm0