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No Semaphore or Shared Memory Support #2367

Open probstcj opened 3 months ago

probstcj commented 3 months ago

While working with C programming, I tried using the following code: // Create semaphore semaphoreID = semget(SEM_KEY, 1, 0666 | IPC_CREAT); batherSemID = semget(BATHER_SEM_KEY, 1, 0666 | IPC_CREAT); spinWaitID = semget(SPINWAIT_SEM_KEY,1, 0666 | IPC_CREAT); if(semaphoreID < 0 || batherSemID < 0){ (ENABLE_DEBUG)?(fprintf(stderr, "Semaphore error... Exiting\n")):(false); exit(0); }

This compiles and runs, but ends up stopping at the semaphore error and exiting (the semaphores are returning -1 meaning they failed to create)

Running ipcs returns the following output:

localhost:~# ipcs

kernel not configured for message queues

kernel not configured for shared memory

kernel not configured for semaphores

Opening this issue to see if there is any plan on future support for semaphores and shared memory.

francoisvignon commented 1 week ago

Yes, configuring shared ressource in ish kernel will be welcome 😊