ishit / L1Stabilizer

:movie_camera: Video stabilization using L1-norm optimal camera paths.
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The issue about the Saliency Constrains #2

Open JianCloudLucky opened 6 years ago

JianCloudLucky commented 6 years ago

After reading the code,I find that the algorithm did't add saliency constraints according the paper, I have try to recurrent this part of the code, but I encountered some problems now, and I want to know if you have recurrented this part code? If you have finished it, can you share the code? If the code is unavailable, can you share some ideals?

thanks a lot!

blayuan commented 6 years ago

Hello, I encountered some problems as well when I tried to recurrent the saliency constraints.Have you make it success?Would you like a talk? Thanks a lot.