ishkawa / ISColumnsController

paginated container view controller.
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rotation fix + go to another page #3

Closed jonchui closed 12 years ago

ishkawa commented 12 years ago

Thanks for pull request again, but I found 3 issues.

on tapping UIPageControl,

1. scrollview does not scroll to tapped index.
   (ex. if current = 0, tapped = 2, then result=1. result should be 2.)

2. tapped indicator flashes before current page changes.

on scrolling after rotating,

3. transform is invalid. see the screenshot below.

jonchui commented 12 years ago

Hey ishkawa,

see inline

Jon Chui

Developer Team Lead, iOS/Android | Atimi Software (think Vancouver Canucks App)

Vancouver Curator | Startup Digest,000 worldwide subscribers)

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on tapping UIPageControl,

  1. scrollview does not scroll to tapped index. (ex. if current = 0, tapped = 2, then result=1. result should be 2.)

This is apple's design: "The page control advances only one page in either direction. "

  1. tapped indicator flashes before current page changes.

I have to fix this by changing the time the page control gets updated. you calculate a "new page" when the scroll view scrolls half-way. i changed it so that the title & page control are updated at the end of deceleration, in the function

  • (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView

This seems to fix the flash

  1. transform is invalid. see the screenshot below.

I also fixed this transform by setting to identity transform on reload. Not sure if i like how it animates the slider on rotate, so i just made it go directly to the page, without animation. I extended the goToPage: method with a goToPage:animated: so you can choose to animate going to a page.

There was still a small glitch on animation rotation from a landscape image back to portrait - I fixed it by changing the reload from didRotate.. to willRotate...

Tell me your thoughts!

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