ishovkun / SierraBreeze

OSX-like window decoration for KDE Plasma written in C++
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Fix crash + tighter Konsole window condition + read default shell profile from konsolerc #30

Closed alex47 closed 6 years ago

alex47 commented 6 years ago

Fix crash when using an unmodified color profile Fixes #29

trmdi commented 6 years ago

Ok, it doesn't crash anymore..

But there is a new problem: the titlebar is just transparent but not blurred when using the kvantum widget style.

Steps to reproduce:


Is there a way to fix it without switching from the kvantum widget style to the breeze one?

@alex47 @tsujan

Update: Solved

tsujan commented 6 years ago

Kvantum doesn't and cannot affect anything in any titlebar. The problem should be somewhere else.

trmdi commented 6 years ago

Another problem, if you @alex47 change the titlebar's background color, you should also change its text color to the colorscheme's foreground color. Otherwise, in some cases the titlebar's background color and the text color could be the same.

alex47 commented 6 years ago

@trmdi you mean the Konsole titlebar text should use the same color as the terminal text?

trmdi commented 6 years ago

Yes @alex47.

trmdi commented 6 years ago

@tsujan @alex47 Thank you. I solved the "the titlebar is transparent but not blurred" problem above by go to the Kvantum setting > Uncheck Blur explicitly translucent windows and add "konsole" into the Opaque apps list.

tsujan commented 6 years ago

I solved the "the titlebar is transparent but not blurred" problem above by go to the Kvantum setting > Uncheck Blur explicitly translucent windows and add "konsole" into the Opaque apps list.

I'm afraid that's not a solution but a workaround for a bug somewhere. Blur explicitly translucent windows isn't limited to Konsole, not even to KDE; it applies kwin blurring to apps with explicit translucency wherever kwin can be used BUT DOES NOT TOUCH TITLE-BARS.

alex47 commented 6 years ago

@trmdi @tsujan it should be fixed now, please try again @trmdi regarding the Konsole titlebar text color, I leave that decision up to @ishovkun

tsujan commented 6 years ago

I'll try SierraBreeze soon; it seems to fix an old drawback of Breeze :) I was lucky because, after being called from here, I realized such a good project exists.

tsujan commented 6 years ago

I tried the latest git SierraBreeze and it's very nice.

I see that it supports translucency only with Konsole and wonder if it's possible to add a configurable degree of translucency in general. If so, it'll be the best choice with Kvatum translucent themes under KDE. However, I haven't read SierraBreeze's code yet.

tsujan commented 6 years ago

I mean something like this (except for the buttons), which is an Emerald decoration plus a Kvantum theme, that I use under LXQt with Compiz-reloaded:


alex47 commented 6 years ago

@tsujan try my fork of Breeze: I think it has just what you need. You can configure transparency in the decoration settings itself and color in the system color settings.

tsujan commented 6 years ago

@alex47 Excellent! I'll surely try it. Thanks!