isi-vista / unified-io-inference

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VG captioning on saga: UFuncOutputCastingError #23

Open elizlee opened 1 year ago

elizlee commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log into a submit node
  2. Begin an interactive session srun --partition=gaia-lg --account=gaia-lg --qos=normal --gpus=4 --mem=30g --pty bash
  3. Use the following command to run the docker:
    docker run -it --rm --gpus=4 -e VG_DATA_DIR=/input/data -v /nas/gaia02/data/paper2023/vg/visual_genome_python_driver:/input -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/output -e OUTPUT_FILE=/output/vg_all_output.tsv unified-io-inference:vg_caption_all_only

    For me, this results in the following:

    INFO:absl:Setting up model...
    INFO:absl:Loading parameters...
    INFO:absl:Model is ready
    INFO:absl:Creating image to description mapping...
    INFO:absl:Captioning images from /input/data...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/root/./", line 131, in <module>
    File "/root/./", line 107, in main
    primary_output = model.vqa(image, CAPTIONING_PROMPT)
    File "/root/uio/", line 313, in vqa
    out =[image], [question.lower()], output_text_len=32,
    File "/root/uio/", line 176, in run
    image, image_mask = utils.preprocess_image(
    File "/root/uio/", line 291, in preprocess_image
    input_image = normalize_image(input_image)
    File "/root/uio/", line 324, in normalize_image
    image -= BIAS.reshape((1, 1, 3))
    numpy.core._exceptions._UFuncOutputCastingError: Cannot cast ufunc 'subtract' output from dtype('float64') to dtype('uint8') with casting rule 'same_kind'